華麗なる登竜門ラストスパート⊂(o`∀´o)⊃ | 我羇道 崇太郎 オフィシャルブログ 「目指せ!二枚目アーティストへの道のり」Powered by Ameba




※投票は 6月20日(12:00)よりスタート!
期間は 7月15日(12:00) まで!
※審査結果発表は 7月20日(12:00)!



Please lend your power.

We would like to hold a concert more in foreign countries.
More voice is required in order to have you call a foreign event.
If we become more famous, many people's voice can be collected.
If it does not become more famous for Japan, support cannot be gained from people of other countries.

Now,There is a concert made into our target.
You have to achieve some aims, in order for us to appear in this event.

These are details of an event.

"華麗なる登龍門"(splendid Gateway to success)
official site
Vote page
It is examined by vote.
We need to come above the 5th place.
A deadline is to 7/15 (12:00).
Examination by the staff is after vote.

Please access this page with a mobile phone or personal computer.
Check in the column of GAKIDO
Please push this button→(投票する/Vote)
Please cast your vote every day.
It will recommend that much vote goes us to overseas more.

Thank you for reading☆


