Day 5 of Moving Out | Move Out !! HEARTBREAK


Join me on a journey from the bustling cityscape to the enchanting tranquility of a private mountain haven! I spill the tea (or should I say, cocoa?) on the adorable escapades of moving out and settling into the coziest corners of a mountain retreat.


Day 5


Today was pretty, well, okay! Nico

(of course it's not gonna be exciting but again we're literally moving out so you get the idea, right?)


This morning I had a dream that took place in both the day but mostly night time. I wish I talked to someone about it when I had enough memory surrounding the idea in the morning but from what I know at the moment: Something about me, Five Nights at Freddy's concepts, and food delivery agents. Most of my dreams feel like a fever dream, so of course I was flying all over the place. Drool I wouldn't say literal flying, but more of "teleporting place to place and navigating like you're those zoom controls from LittleBigPlanet" type of flying. To start, I think me and my older siblings were either at home or at a store. I noticed that something about a food delivery like DoorDash was an important topic, and somehow I was sent out into this place that felt like a Dave and Buster's type of setting but had food that gave off "Blaze Pizza + mozzarella sticks" and every employee had a bowtie suit you'd find in that one "Project Mirai" music video. I was walking in, probably trying to sneak through. An employee noticed me, and soon some others did, I could hear something saying like "Five Nights at Freddy's" but I also couldn't hear an alarm that was going off. Suddenly, my siblings start rambling in and I couldn't hear them either, so I pretty much had no idea what was going on. 

And then I woke up! Nausea


It was around 8-9 AM. I still felt REALLY tired the first time I woke up. I desperately wanted to go back to figure out how the dream ended. I heard my dad and mom asking what food I wanted, so I said "the same as yesterday but with a churro donut this time and with an apple juice to drink" and went back to sleep as if nothing happened. smilingly The only problem I had this morning was trying to wake up while also feeling too comfortable in a specific position. This whole week, my hairstyle was two pigtail braids, so the back of my hair was empty like an egg carton. The pillow fit like the egg, so of course I didn't want to move just yet, and unfortunately I went back to sleep. Futon 1Futon 3 The second time I tried to wake up, I picked up my phone and scrolled on Insta thinking something there would make me mad or something (like every single piece of news right now has been.. *sighs* big yawn *shakes cup around*) when really it feels like the same old, not significant enough reels and such, and while scrolling I fell asleep AGAIN just to wake up to an angry voice telling me to get up as if the world was ending. Which personally, I hate, but then again we're literally doing this against our will so I have no choice. Garn


Cleaning and packing was all just a few vases and because I was out of it, I switched to my mum's room because I was needed SOOOO much, I just had to see what I needed to do and just do it. Moyamoya In fact, another reason was because some of the things in another garbage were MY things from MY childhood that didn't deserve to be thrown away. Heartbreak I saw two of my favorite hair ties, my lost tooth necklace thing, two LPS bodies that belonged to Zoe Trent and her boyfriend, some Spanish/English word cards I got from a kid's meal from SONIC's, a Mickey pencil, and SO many others that I had no idea were in my mum's drawers. crying rabbit Including an ICE AGE Continental Drift Happy Meal toy (without the figure) that had a single ice block missing. Took me an hour or two just to properly sort out everything. Some things may have been left out because I didn't have the time to properly search the bag, but it's okay, Earth sucks anyway, and the world is confusing. soul


I feel close to passing out as I'm writing this, but I told them I can only help out for a few more hours, then I melt. I'm yawning and running out of energy as I speak. big yawn My brother couldn't get an energy drink because of work, so honestly that's okay and understandable. The only things I could eat today other than breakfast was a Digorino's four cheese pizza slice leftover, two bottles of orange and normal ramune, actual oranges, and a sandwich with meatball, sauerkraut, and cheese that my brother made at work. I mean I do have yogurt, they're all strawberry, but some days I just need a break from strong flavors like that every now and then. (It's Go-gurt by the way..) I quite really have to stay up for my own good, time is running short because of some entitled family that I now think could be full of Karens. Imagine being so "I'm ready!! I'm ready!! We all packed af!!" without having some empathy for the other family who lived their entire life in this home and not offering to help out or give a shバツレッドバツレッド about poor us trying our very best. Is Marie Kondo your leader/inspo? No wonder you're so petty.. Eh


Also, MMA Awards 2023 was today. It SUCKED! stare TRASH! straight face If there is no (G)I-DLE wins, not worth it. No æspa wins, not worth my time. It's just getting so annoying at this point I hate the internet these days.. Nausea


I don't have the energy to argue, but I really want some sleep soon.. I'm at the point where I'm grateful for my bed, I want to hug it and just sit for like 30 minutes without being called on so much. Just silence. Not absolute silence cause that's horrifying, but with my TV playing LEGO DREAMZZZ while it's still there.. starry sky And a few nightlights too! Well, I'll only have two because my only nightlight is my small chargeable lantern that is still red and my wall nightlight. I want my cat Ginger to stay with me but if she has to go out, then that means sleeping right away will take longer. Sometimes I don't care about my asthma, I just want company. footprints


Moving is just such a bore that no one understands.. alien tailIt's from an alienIt's from an alienAlien head I should be logging off and cleaning my room before solid terror begins tomorrow morning. Until our pixels cross paths againflower



- A-chanstar