Prince Charles, William, and Harry Pay Tribute to Fallen Soldiers at Vimy Memorial Park
Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, and Prince Harry mark the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge in northern France on the centenary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
The royals paid tribute to soldiers who died at the Battle of Vimy Ridge, which took place in 1917. Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry joined by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Francois Hollande at a ceremony to commemorate the Battle of Vimy Ridge. At the ceremony, replica biplane performed a flypast to honored the sacrifices of Canadian force and their British counterparts during the Battle of Vimy. Vimy Ridge is the battle, which began early on April 9 1917, was part of a larger British-led offensive, featuring Australian troops, known as the Battle of Arras which was a diversionary move to help a major French attack further south. Vimy Ridge, a decisive victory for the Allies against Germany, was important in the development of Canada's national identity as four military divisions from the nation fought together for the first time as the Canadian Corps.

Prince Charles, Prince William, and Prince Harry wore a Remembrance poppy, visited the Vimy Memorial Park near the town of Arras. They look respect on the as Prince William and Prince Harry lay boots and poppies of remembrance at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial during the ceremony. Prince Charles also gave a speech about the bravery of the soldiers who war at the Vimy Ridge battle.