
ショーさん曰く、 一般的に、「アメリカは自由でチャンスがそこら中にいっぱいあり、自分の夢を叶えてくれる国」というイメージが有るけど、現実にはそんなに簡単ではなく徹底的に注意して周りの状況を見ながら物事を進めないと飛んでもないことになるよ!直ぐに他人に真似されたり、全てを盗られて一歩間違えると正に地獄に落とされる「弱肉強食の国だ!」だからこそ逆にやり甲斐のある国と言えるかもしれないと~。先ず日本と一番違うのは「何回失敗しても、何度でもチャンスをくれるし、良いものは良いと素直に認めてくれる!」




This week we’d like to deliver you a topic of “difference between the US and Japan” that I learned from Sho. “Of course, this is only my personal opinion that comes from experiences after forty-nine years of living there” Sho started.

According to him, people usually imagine US as “a country of freedom that provides chances everywhere, enabling people to achieve dreams.” Sho continued “but the reality is not so simple; if you aren’t careful about your surroundings, you’ll mess up big time! Your ideas may be copied, or even worse, stolen and kicked right into hell. It’s a country of survival of the fittest! On the other hand, that’s also the reason why it’s so rewarding to succeed there.”

The major difference when compared to Japan is that chances are there no matter how many times you fail, and descent things are acknowledged as descent without prejudice. If you were to blunder once in Japan, it becomes tougher for you to try again. People close off their ears from you for the reason that you’ve failed once. It’s the same even if you bring in a totally different project under a completely different
circumstance. On the contrary, unworthy projects are rejected with a loud and clear NO, no matter how famous or influential the proposer is. I hardly hear things like “we have to save his (or her) face ” or “let’s go along just for the sake of it”. It’s like only true supporters get together, and more are gathered. That is why every individual is given a responsibility, and are also expected to be responsible for their own actions instead of passing the buck. This is unlikely in Japan where people tend to shove their responsibility on others when faced with an issue. Japanese also has a tendency to “stay away from anything uncommon”, and “going along with others’ opinions”. This is not so in the U.S; everyone strives on their own for their success. That is why I personally think that boys nowadays, especially those reserved ones named “Soshoku-kei (literally means herbivore-like in Japanese)” are not meant for working in the U.S. It’s not over the top to state that U.S mindset is more like that of a samurai spirit than Japan now.

“It’s not that I’m favoring the U.S over Japan or anything” Sho added.

*Continued on our next blog article, which will be on “What Sho Doesn’t Like About the U.S.”