SHODO refers to writing on thin paper using a brush and ink. Write the letters in a well-balanced manner on the paper. The letters themselves should be written neatly and accurately. SHODO refers to the creation of works and the way we think in general. SHODO can be said to be the most artistic way of thinking.

SHOSHA means to imitate the writing of a famous artist or teacher. Most people do this SHOSHA to study letter shapes and how to use brushes. By repeating SHOSHA, a neat piece of work will be created.

SHUJI mainly means children's lessons. At SHUJI, in addition to practicing brush strokes, we also practice using pencils and ballpoint pens. Basically, we will practice SHOSHA.

In this way, the names of Japanese calligraphy change depending on the level.

In Japan, there is a culture that respects people who can write well. For this reason, I learned SHUJI from a young age. For example, a person's personality can be determined from the characters written on their job application resume. Being able to write beautiful and beautiful characters is very important.