Fruit Leather! | 名古屋のシェアハウス・SHN(Share House Nagoya)のブログ

名古屋のシェアハウス・SHN(Share House Nagoya)のブログ

シェアハウスを運営しているSHN(Share House Nagoya)

Everyone would love to have treats, right?

Well, I had my first "Canadian Treat" when I met a member of the Marunouchi Share house.(^^) 

He called this a "Fruit Leather"


It was made of apple syrup and a bit sour but very delicious.ナイフとフォークりんごリンゴキャンディー

If I had the chance, I would like to have an edible jacket made of fruit leather!グラサン


Lucky to meet a sharemate at the house during his day off.ニコニコ

We also talked about things like anime and learning Japanese too.

I had a delightful treat and nice conversation.音譜


This is what I love about share houses, you will have new experiences with different kinds of people and have treats from all over the world! If you want to experience a delightful treat from another country every now and then, I recommend living at one of our share houses.