核戦略の多様性と分類 | 阿波の梟のブログ



Vipin Narangの著書『Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era: Regional Powers and International Conflict』(2014)は、現代の核戦略の変遷とその影響を、特に地域大国と国際紛争に焦点を当てて分析した重要な学術書です。本書は、核兵器を保有する地域大国(regional powers)が取る戦略の多様性を体系的に分類し、その戦略が国際的な安定や紛争の発生にどのような影響を与えるかを明らかにしています。



  1. カタストロフィック・リスポンス戦略(Catalytic Posture)

  2. 抑制的抑止戦略(Assured Retaliation Posture)

  3. 強硬抑止戦略(Asymmetric Escalation Posture)



  • 国内の軍事的・政治的要因

  • 地域的な安全保障環境





Narangの『Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era』は、現代の地域大国が核兵器をどのように運用しているか、そしてその戦略が国際的な安全保障に与える影響を詳細に分析した一冊です。彼の研究は、核兵器の戦略的な多様性を体系化し、特に地域大国間の紛争において、核兵器の存在がどのように作用するかを明らかにしています。現代の安全保障政策において、各国がどのような核戦略を採用しているかを理解することは、国際的な安定を維持するために極めて重要であることが、本書を通じて強調されています。

Vipin Narang's book, Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era: Regional Powers and International Conflict (2014), is a significant academic work that analyzes the evolution of nuclear strategy in the modern era, with a particular focus on regional powers and international conflict. The book systematically categorizes the diversity of nuclear strategies adopted by regional powers possessing nuclear weapons and elucidates how these strategies influence international stability and the occurrence of conflicts.


The Diversity and Classification of Nuclear Strategies

Narang classifies the nuclear strategies of nuclear-armed states into three main categories:

  1. Catalytic Posture
    This strategy is one where a state hints at the possibility of using nuclear weapons to prompt the intervention of a third party (typically a superpower). The primary goal of possessing nuclear weapons under this strategy is not to deter direct enemies but to function as a deterrent that draws support from more powerful allies or other states. This strategy is often adopted by states that are militarily inferior, and Israel’s nuclear strategy is often cited as an example of this model.

  2. Assured Retaliation Posture
    This strategy presumes the use of nuclear weapons solely for retaliation and clearly indicates that devastating retaliation will follow any nuclear attack. The main objective is to prevent a nuclear attack by an enemy and thus plays a role in deterring large-scale wars between states. China and India have adopted a strategy close to this assured retaliation posture, with strict limitations on the use of nuclear weapons.

  3. Asymmetric Escalation Posture
    This strategy involves the willingness to escalate quickly to the use of nuclear weapons early in a conflict to compensate for conventional military inferiority. Particularly, if an adversary conducts a conventional military attack, the state would immediately respond with nuclear weapons to prevent further aggression. Pakistan’s nuclear strategy toward India is centered around this posture, using the threat of early nuclear escalation to deter conventional military attacks.

Determinants of Nuclear Strategy Selection and National Security

Narang identifies several key factors that influence a state's choice of nuclear strategy:

  • Domestic Military and Political Factors
    When selecting a nuclear strategy, a state’s military capabilities, economic strength, and political conditions play significant roles. For example, states that are militarily inferior often adopt an asymmetric escalation posture, as deterring with conventional forces is challenging. Additionally, internal political pressures and the influence of the military can shape nuclear strategy.

  • Regional Security Environment
    Regional powers formulate their nuclear strategies based on the specific security environment of their region. When tensions with neighboring countries are high or when surrounding states possess strong conventional forces, nuclear strategy choices differ. For instance, Pakistan’s adoption of an asymmetric escalation posture is influenced by its longstanding conflict with India.

The Importance of Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era

Narang’s study moves beyond the traditional academic understanding that focused primarily on nuclear deterrence theory during the Cold War. It reveals the diversity of nuclear strategies among modern regional powers and how these strategies are practically employed. Unlike the bipolar nuclear deterrence model of the Cold War era between superpowers, today, multiple regional powers each adopt different strategies, leading to varying dynamics in regional security.

Furthermore, Narang analyzes how nuclear strategy directly affects regional and international conflicts. Even among nuclear-armed states, differences in strategy can lead to the escalation of conflicts, particularly when states with an asymmetric escalation posture respond quickly to provocations with nuclear action. This heightens the risk of nuclear confrontation. Therefore, the choice of nuclear strategy plays a critical role in maintaining international stability and requires careful management.


Narang’s Nuclear Strategy in the Modern Era is a detailed analysis of how modern regional powers operate their nuclear arsenals and the impact these strategies have on international security. His research systematizes the strategic diversity of nuclear weapons and sheds light on how their presence influences regional conflicts, especially among regional powers. Understanding the nuclear strategies adopted by various states is crucial for maintaining international stability in contemporary security policy, a point underscored throughout Narang's work.