世論調査 | 阿波の梟のブログ







統計学的な手法を用いて世論を明らかにする調査が世論調査です。逆に言うと、統計学的に正しい調査手法を用いないものは世論調査とは言えません。統計学の威力については、統計学を利用した世論調査の方法を確立したギャラップ社のジョージ・ギャラップが「I could prove God statistically」(私は神の存在を統計的に証明できる)と述べたことがあります。









母集団を代表する要素が記述されたリストは、例えば住民基本台帳が用いられます。日本では戸籍機能がほぼ完全に機能しているため、住民基本台帳を用いて作成した抽出枠は、標本抽出の結果から推定したい目標となる母集団(目標母集団)とほぼ完全に一致していると考えられますが、実際には目標母集団と完全に一致している必要はなく、抽出枠が母集団を代表してさえいればよい(このような母集団を「枠母集団」といいます)。例えば電話帳を抽出枠とした場合、電話番号が電話帳に記載されていない国民や、電話を持たない国民がいるため、母集団とのズレ(カバレッジ誤差)が発生する懸念がありますが、これらが無視できるか、補正できると考えた場合、電話帳を枠母集団として使うこともできます。なお、現代ではもっと手軽で精度の高い乱数番号法(Random digit dialing, RDD)が普及しているので、電話帳を使うことはありません。













  1. 電話調査(CATI):

    • Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing(CATI)方式では、コンピューターを用いて電話インタビューを行います。質問がコンピューターの画面に表示され、インタビューアがそれに基づいて回答を記録します。効率的で、回答の入力ミスが少なく、リアルタイムでデータを集めることができます。
  2. 郵送調査:

    • 質問票を郵送し、回答者がそれを記入して返送する方法です。比較的低コストで実施できるものの、回答率が低くなることがあります。回答の回収には時間がかかる場合があります。
  3. オンライン調査:

    • インターネットを通じて質問を送り、回答を収集する方法です。迅速で低コストですが、インターネットを利用しない層がサンプルに含まれない可能性があるため、母集団全体を代表しているかの確認が必要です。
  4. 面接調査:

    • 調査員が直接回答者と対面して質問する方法です。回答者から詳細な情報を得やすく、調査員が回答の状況を把握できるため、信頼性が高いですが、コストと時間がかかることがあります。
  5. パネル調査:

    • 一定期間にわたり同じ回答者グループからデータを収集する方法です。個々の回答者の変化を追跡することができ、長期的なデータ収集が可能ですが、サンプルの維持が難しい場合があります。



  1. 記述統計:

    • 平均値や中央値、標準偏差などの基本的な統計指標を用いてデータの要約を行います。
  2. 推測統計:

    • 標本データを基に、母集団全体についての推定や仮説検定を行います。これにより、標本の誤差や信頼区間を考慮しながら、結果の一般化が行われます。
  3. クロス集計:

    • 異なる変数間の関係を調べるために、データを交差させて集計し、パターンや傾向を探ります。
  4. 回帰分析:

    • 変数間の関係を定量的にモデル化し、因果関係や予測を行います。回帰分析は、特定の要因が結果に与える影響を測定するのに有用です。
  5. 誤差の調整:

    • 標本抽出時の誤差や偏りを補正するために、適切な統計的手法を用いてデータを調整します。







Public Opinion Polls refer to statistical social surveys conducted with the aim of revealing trends in public opinion within a particular social group. The techniques used in these surveys are also referred to by the same term. Individuals responsible for conducting or making a profession of these activities are called public opinion pollsters.

Survey Methods Public Opinion and Statistics Public opinion polls are surveys conducted using statistical methods to uncover public opinion. Conversely, surveys that do not employ statistically sound methods cannot be considered public opinion polls. The power of statistics in this context is highlighted by George Gallup, the founder of the Gallup Organization, who famously stated, "I could prove God statistically."

Statistical surveys can be divided into sampling surveys and census surveys. A census survey involves surveying every member of a social group, which yields accurate results. However, when conducting a public opinion poll in Japan, for instance, it would require surveying approximately 120 million people, making it a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. Therefore, sampling surveys are typically used in public opinion polls. For instance, the Japanese government conducts a census every five years.

The Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, which conducts statistical surveys in Japan, believes it is essential for children who will live in future societies to acquire the statistical knowledge and skills that underpin sampling surveys. As such, from the 2012 academic year onwards, the new curriculum guidelines include statistical education. Additionally, the government has set up websites where elementary and middle school students can learn statistics, such as "Naruhodo Statistics School" for basic learning and "Naruhodo Statistics School High School" for more advanced topics.

While statistics ensure the accuracy of public opinion polls from an academic standpoint, the Japan Public Opinion Research Association, a public interest incorporated foundation, ensures their ethical accuracy in Japan. Almost all major mass media outlets, except for the Fuji-Sankei Group and Tokyo Sports Newspaper, are members of this association. Other members include governmental agencies that conduct public opinion polls, like the Cabinet Office and the National Consumer Affairs Center, as well as academic institutions that research public opinion, such as Keio University's Media and Communications Research Institute and the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Through this collaboration between private, public, and academic sectors, accurate public opinion polls are conducted.

Sampling Surveys Sampling surveys are statistical surveys that involve asking questions to and collecting responses from a randomly selected group of individuals (sample). While sampling surveys are inevitably accompanied by sampling errors, a correctly drawn sample can yield results that are statistically close to the true population average.

Many public opinion surveys rely on the central limit theorem of statistics for their accuracy. Unless the population has some unusual properties, the sample mean will approximate the true population mean (law of large numbers), and the variance will decrease proportionally to the inverse of the sample size.

Sampling Frame When conducting a public opinion poll in Japan, the population is the Japanese citizenry. To select the sample, a list that represents the population (sampling frame) is prepared. For instance, the Basic Resident Register may be used. In Japan, where the koseki (family registry) functions effectively, a sampling frame created using the Basic Resident Register is considered nearly identical to the target population. However, the sampling frame doesn't have to be completely identical to the population; it just needs to represent it (such a population is called the "frame population"). For example, if a phone book is used as the sampling frame, there might be coverage errors, as some citizens may not have their phone numbers listed or may not have phones at all. However, if these errors are deemed negligible or can be corrected, the phone book could be used as a frame population. Today, random digit dialing (RDD), which is more accurate and convenient, is commonly used, so phone books are no longer necessary.

When using the Basic Resident Register as the sampling frame, the frame consists of approximately 130 million entries. If the population for a political survey is limited to Japanese voters, the voter register is typically used as the sampling frame, which contains about 100 million entries. From this, a few thousand individuals are randomly selected.

Random Sampling When conducting a statistical survey, the sample must be randomly selected from the population. This is known as random sampling or probability sampling because the sample is determined probabilistically.

For public opinion polls, instead of simply drawing a random sample from the entire population, it may be necessary to observe the "public opinion" of specific subgroups (strata) within the population, such as by region or age group. Therefore, stratified sampling (dividing the population into different strata) and multi-stage sampling (selecting groups from the population and then sampling from those groups) are commonly used. For instance, in the Cabinet Office's "Public Opinion Survey on People's Lives," stratification is based on regions such as Hokkaido or Tohoku, and by the size of cities and towns, resulting in 11 and 65 strata, respectively.

"Random" here means that every element in the population is selected with the same probability through a statistically rigorous method, not that the selection is done arbitrarily. Several methods have been devised for generating random numbers for random sampling. When the population exists as electronic data, such as "the digits of a phone number," the simplest and most commonly used method is to use a computer's pseudo-random number generator (as in the RDD method).

When using non-digitized data for random sampling, one must first apply to view the data, such as the Basic Resident Register. For example, researchers from Nikkei Research might visit local government offices to manually go through paper records, assign serial numbers to them in a process called systematic sampling, and then visit the selected respondents' homes, where they may face the possibility of rejection. This process can be mentally and physically demanding.

Purposive Sampling If the surveyor believes that random sampling will not yield a representative sample of the population, they can purposively select a sample that is deemed representative of the population. This is called purposive sampling or judgment sampling. Since the sample is not selected probabilistically, this is also known as nonprobability sampling.

"Purposive" in this context includes both the surveyor's purposiveness and the respondent's self-selection. For instance, some private surveys may allow respondents to self-select and volunteer themselves as samples, leading to what is known as self-selection bias, which can produce inaccurate results.

While purposive sampling may provide what the surveyor considers a more accurate reflection of public opinion, it is subject to subjective bias, making its objective accuracy questionable. The advantage of random sampling is not necessarily the accuracy of the public opinion obtained but the ability to statistically estimate sampling errors and confidence levels, thereby ensuring statistical accuracy. In contrast, purposive sampling, even if it yields accurate public opinion, does not allow for the estimation of sampling errors, and therefore, statistical accuracy cannot be guaranteed. In cases where the sample size is small, a knowledgeable surveyor's experience and judgment might produce more accurate results than random sampling, such as when a magazine editor uses reader surveys to determine the continuation of a serialized story.