コミットメント一貫性(Commitment and Consistency) | 阿波の梟のブログ



コミットメント一貫性(Commitment and Consistency)は、ロバート・チャルディーニの「影響力の武器(Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion)」でも取り上げられている説得の重要な原則の一つです。この原則は、一度コミットメント(約束や決定)をした後、人々がそのコミットメントと一貫した行動をとりたがる傾向にあるという心理的メカニズムに基づいています。




心理学において、コミットメント一貫性は人間の行動に深く影響を与えるメカニズムです。心理学者は、この現象を「自己知覚理論(Self-Perception Theory)」と関連付けています。自己知覚理論は、人が自分の行動を観察することで自己概念を形成し、その自己概念に基づいて一貫した行動を取ろうとすることを示しています。コミットメントをした後、人々はそのコミットメントと矛盾しないように行動しようとするため、一貫性が生じます。









Commitment and Consistency is one of the key principles of persuasion discussed in Robert Cialdini's book "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion." This principle is based on the psychological mechanism that people tend to behave consistently with their commitments once they have made them.

Meaning and Etymology of Commitment

The word "commitment" means "a promise" or "pledge." Its etymology traces back to the Latin word "committo," meaning "to send together" or "to entrust." This implies that through making a promise to others or to oneself, one assumes responsibility or obligation.

Psychological Perspective

In psychology, commitment and consistency deeply influence human behavior. Psychologists relate this phenomenon to the Self-Perception Theory. This theory suggests that people form their self-concept by observing their own behavior and then strive to act consistently with that self-concept. After making a commitment, people tend to act in ways that are consistent with that commitment, thereby fostering consistency.

Philosophical Perspective

Philosophically, commitment is linked to free will and moral responsibility. Making a promise is an act performed of one’s own will, and the resulting behavior carries moral responsibility. In Kantian ethics, acting consistently is considered rational and a moral duty. The concept of commitment and consistency suggests that individuals who take responsibility for their actions seek to act consistently with their promises.

Psychiatric Perspective

In psychiatry, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and perfectionism may lead to excessive consistency. In such cases, individuals may experience stress or anxiety due to their obsession with maintaining consistency with their commitments. For example, in OCD, a person may become excessively fixated on a promise or decision, leading to feelings of guilt or anxiety if they do not adhere to it.

Neuroscientific Perspective

From a neuroscientific viewpoint, commitment and consistency are related to the brain's reward system. Successfully maintaining a commitment leads to the release of dopamine in the brain, providing a sense of pleasure. This makes the brain favor consistent behavior. Additionally, the prefrontal cortex plays a role in regulating the decisions related to commitment and controlling subsequent behavior.


The principle of commitment and consistency can be understood from various perspectives, including psychology, philosophy, psychiatry, and neuroscience. The tendency for humans to behave consistently with their promises and decisions plays an important role in our social lives and relationships. Understanding this principle can not only be an effective tool for influencing others but also help in maintaining consistency in one’s own actions.