世の中の不条理 | 阿波の梟のブログ




1. 中島みゆき「世情」


2. AKB48「努力は必ず報われる」


3. フョードル・ドストエフスキー『カラマーゾフの兄弟』


4. アルベール・カミュ『異邦人』


5. 映画『シンドラーのリスト』


6. 村上春樹『1Q84』



1. Miyuki Nakajima - "Sejou"

Miyuki Nakajima's "Sejou" (世情) is a song that portrays the cruelty of society and the coldness of human relationships. The song emphasizes the theme that "people in the world use each other and expect something in return." This song particularly reflects the reality of Japan after the bubble economy burst, suggesting that even when people have dreams and hopes, reality often betrays them.

2. AKB48 - "Effort Will Always Be Rewarded"

AKB48's song "Effort Will Always Be Rewarded" (努力は必ず報われる) carries a positive message aimed at young people. However, in reality, there are many cases where no matter how much effort is made, it is not rewarded, which can feel absurd to some listeners. While such a message can be inspiring, it may also create pressure or a sense of helplessness for those who do not see their efforts being rewarded.

3. Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov

Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov delves deeply into the problem of absurdity. The character Ivan Karamazov asks, "If God exists, why does absurdity exist in this world?" This question is a crucial theme when considering absurdity from a philosophical perspective. It raises doubts about the existence of God and justice by confronting the suffering and meaninglessness of human existence.

4. Albert Camus - The Stranger

Albert Camus' The Stranger is a representative work of absurdist literature. The protagonist, Meursault, appears emotionless and acts outside societal norms. This story symbolizes Camus' philosophy of absurdity, where life is depicted as having no meaning or purpose. Meursault's indifferent attitude illustrates how absurd reality can be, prompting readers to deeply consider the meaning of life.

5. Schindler's List (Film)

Steven Spielberg's film Schindler's List depicts the historical absurdity of the Holocaust. The extreme absurdity of innocent people being mass-murdered is portrayed alongside the actions of one man, Schindler, who saves many lives. This film powerfully conveys that absurdity can indeed exist in reality.

6. Haruki Murakami - 1Q84

Haruki Murakami's 1Q84 portrays a world where reality and unreality intertwine, with characters facing absurd situations. The story is set in a parallel world called "1Q84," different from the real world, where absurd events reflect the contradictions and meaninglessness of real society.

These examples show that absurdity has been expressed in various forms throughout literature, music, film, and philosophy. Absurdity reflects situations and social contradictions that cannot be resolved by individual power, providing people with deep insights. By engaging with such works and messages, we gain opportunities to think about how we should confront the absurdities of reality.