ハイビスカス | 阿波の梟のブログ



ハイビスカス、特にその代表的な種であるブッソウゲ(仏桑華、Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)は、その鮮やかな花と南国のイメージで多くの人々に愛されています。ハワイの象徴としても知られ、ハワイ語では「アロアロ」と呼ばれています。その美しい花は、熱帯や亜熱帯の気候で特に良く育ちますが、最近の温暖化の影響で日本の徳島でも見事に育つようになりました。






Hibiscus, particularly the representative species Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is loved by many for its vivid flowers and its association with tropical regions. Known as the state flower of Hawaii and called "aloalo" in Hawaiian, its beautiful blooms thrive especially well in tropical and subtropical climates. Due to recent climate changes, characterized by rising temperatures, hibiscus now flourishes in Tokushima, Japan.

Tokushima Prefecture has always had a warm climate, but the recent rise in temperatures has accelerated its subtropicalization. While this change provides favorable conditions for tropical plants like hibiscus, it also brings numerous challenges. These include health risks from intense heat, impacts on agriculture, and an increase in natural disasters.

Hibiscus adorns gardens and parks with its vivid colors, soothing people's hearts. Especially in the scorching summer sun, its blooming appearance evokes tropical resorts and offers visual coolness. However, while enjoying this beauty, we must seriously address the effects of global warming and take measures to mitigate them.

For example, sun shades and green curtains, which use plants to cool the environment, can be effective in reducing heat. Additionally, energy-efficient air conditioners and utilizing night-time cool air are practical ways to maintain indoor comfort.

Tackling global warming requires not only individual efforts but also community cooperation. In Tokushima Prefecture, initiatives such as tree planting activities and the introduction of eco-point systems are underway. These efforts aim to advance climate action throughout the community and raise awareness among residents.

While enjoying the beauty of hibiscus, it is crucial to also focus on the environmental issues behind it. We must practice what we can as individuals and collectively ensure that future generations inherit a beautiful and comfortable environment. It is essential to protect and nurture Tokushima's future, where hibiscus flowers continue to bloom vibrantly.