人間はホモ・ソシャリス | 阿波の梟のブログ



人間はホモ・ソシャリス(Homo Socialis、社会的人間)

人間はホモ・ソシャリス(Homo Socialis、社会的人間)であると言われます。かつて、アドラー(Alfred Adler)はこの概念を「社会感情(Gemeinschaftsgefühl)」と規定し、ユング(Carl Jung)は「集合的無意識(Collective Unconscious)」として述べました。すなわち、人間は周囲の人々との関係の中で自己を定位づけ、相互作用を通じて成長し続けます。彼らの支持と尊重を通じて、情緒の安定と精神的機能の増進も可能となるのです。

アブラハム・マズロー(Abraham Maslow)の言うように、「人は他者との関係性の中で初めて自己実現(Self-Actualization)への道が開かれる」。また、エリック・フロム(Erich Fromm)は、「愛(Love)」を人間の成長に不可欠な要素と見なし、「愛する能力こそが成熟の証である」と述べています。


シラー(Friedrich Schiller)は、「社会は人間の心身の発達の源泉である」と述べましたが、現代社会においては必ずしも健全な状態にあるとは言えません。引きこもりや孤立死、孤独死が物語るように、病理性を帯びた社会は人々に深刻な影響を与えます。政治、経済、科学技術の進展が人間性を疎外し、時には圧殺していると多くの人々が指摘しています。


社会は単なる個人の集合ではなく、一定の政治的・経済的構造を持ち、個人の人間性を超えた複雑な法則によって運行しています。しかしながら、エリック・フロムやカール・マルクス(Karl Marx)は、「社会の分析と歴史過程の分析は人間から始めなければならない。ただし、それは抽象的な人間ではなく、生理的・心理的性質を持った現実的・具体的な人間についてである」と警告しました。







具体的には、利己(Self-Interest)と利他(Altruism)を超越させる社会の仕組みを構築することが一つの方法です。これはルース・ベネディクト(Ruth Benedict)らのグループが唱えた「ハイ・シナジー社会(High Synergy Society)」の例であり、自己利益が他人の利益となり、他人の福祉を願う行動が自己利益となって帰ってくるような仕組みです。



Humans as Homo Socialis

Humans are often referred to as Homo Socialis, or social beings. Alfred Adler once defined this concept as "Gemeinschaftsgefühl" (social feeling), while Carl Jung described it as the "Collective Unconscious." In essence, humans orient themselves within their relationships with others and continue to grow through these interactions. Through the support and respect of others, emotional stability and the enhancement of mental functions become possible.

As Abraham Maslow stated, "It is only within relationships with others that the path to self-actualization opens." Furthermore, Erich Fromm viewed "love" as an indispensable element for human growth, stating, "The ability to love is the hallmark of maturity."

The Pathological Nature of Modern Society

Friedrich Schiller remarked, "Society is the source of human physical and mental development." However, in modern society, this is not always the case. The prevalence of social withdrawal, solitary death, and loneliness indicates the profound impact a pathological society can have on individuals. Many point out that the progress of politics, economics, and technology often alienates and sometimes crushes humanity.

The Relationship Between Society and the Individual

Society is not merely an aggregation of individuals; it possesses certain political and economic structures and operates under complex laws that transcend individual human nature. However, Erich Fromm and Karl Marx warned, "The analysis of society and the analysis of historical processes must begin with humans. But this must be real, concrete humans with physiological and psychological traits, not abstract individuals."

In fact, Marx's vision for socialism aimed to achieve "the complete and free development of each individual," although from today's perspective, it can be argued that Marx lacked the resources and capability to fully understand human nature.

The Nature of Society and the Restoration of Humanity

A thorough understanding of human nature, including "What is human nature?" and "What is good for humans?" provides insights into how society should function and serves as a driving force for societal change. For society to enable the restoration of humanity, it must apply the power of advanced science to the study of human nature and leverage the rapidly developing knowledge in human sciences.

Aristotle said, "Man is by nature a social animal." We must not forget that society is a creation of humans and a reflection of human desires. Thus, the structure of society must meet human needs and be of value to humans.

Structural Reforms in Society

The structure of society must understand and respect humans and meet their social needs (recognition, belonging, love, etc.). For example, social structures, including family relations, need to be reformed to provide solidarity and reliability that respond to human needs.

One specific approach is to construct a social system that transcends self-interest and altruism. This concept is exemplified by the "High Synergy Society" advocated by Ruth Benedict and her group, where self-interest also serves others' interests and actions intended for others' welfare, in turn, benefit oneself.


Society is the source of human physical and mental development, and its healthiness is directly linked to people's well-being. To build a society that understands and respects human nature, it is crucial to utilize scientific knowledge and promote structural reforms. Humans are Homo Socialis; by living and growing together, true self-actualization can be achieved.