世界経済の危機 | 阿波の梟のブログ



世界経済の危機とリスク・テーキング (Global Economic Crisis and Risk-Taking)

リスク・テーキング (Risk-Taking) の誤解


リスクと不確実性の違い (Difference Between Risk and Uncertainty)

リスク(Risk)は、確率的(Stochastic)な予測が可能な不確実性(Uncertainty)のことを指します。たとえば、均質なサイコロ(Dice)が同じ皿に投げ込まれるとき、1の目が出る確率は1/6です。このように、リスクは確率論(Probability Theory)で評価できます。

  • リスク (Risk): 確率的な予測が可能な不確実性。例: サイコロの目が出る確率。
  • 不確実性 (Uncertainty): 確率論で評価できない予測不可能な事象。例: 世界経済の崩壊の可能性。

ジョン・メイナード・ケインズ(John Maynard Keynes)は次のように述べています。

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
「市場はあなたが耐えられるよりも長く非合理的であり続けることができる。」(The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

数学的な不確実性と歴史的な不確定性 (Mathematical Uncertainty vs Historical Uncertainty)

数学的な不確実性(Mathematical Uncertainty)は確率分布上の確率変数(Random Variables)としてモデル化できますが、歴史的な不確定性(Historical Uncertainty)はこれとは異なり、環境条件(Environmental Conditions)が絶えず変化するため、予測が困難です。

  • 確率分布 (Probability Distribution): 確率的な事象を表す数学的なモデル。例: 正規分布(Normal Distribution)。
  • 確率変数 (Random Variable): 確率分布に従う変数。例: サイコロの出目。
  • 環境条件 (Environmental Conditions): 変化する外部要因。例: 政治的変動、技術革新。

シラーの見解 (Schiller's Perspective)

シラー(Schiller)は、歴史の流れ(Historical Process)は単なる数学的な不確実性ではなく、人々の価値観(Values)、習慣(Customs)、技術(Technology)、制度(Institutions)が常に変化することで、予測が困難な状況にあると述べています。


"Historical and cultural context is always in flux, making it impossible to predict future events with certainty."
「歴史的および文化的な文脈は常に変動しており、未来の出来事を確実に予測することは不可能である。」(The Crisis of Modernity

現代社会の不安とユーフォリア (Modern Anxiety and Euphoria)

現代社会の不安(Anxiety)は、歴史的な不確定性から生まれるものであり、この不安を感じないことは「変人」であるとシラーは述べています。また、現代社会の多くの人々が過剰な裕福さの中で異常な不安(Abnormal Anxiety)を感じるのは、近代化の進展によって慣習が破壊されるからです。

ニーチェ(Friedrich Nietzsche)は現代人の心理について次のように述べています。

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
「生きる目的を持つ者は、どんな困難も耐えられる。」(Twilight of the Idols

歴史的、文化的感性と決断 (Historical and Cultural Sensitivity and Decision-Making)


  • 状況 (Situation): 現在の状況やコンテクストを理解すること。
  • 決断 (Decision): 状況に応じた合理的な選択。

ホセ・オルテガ(José Ortega y Gasset)は次のように述べています。

"I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself."
「私は私自身と私の状況である。もし状況を救わなければ、私自身も救えない。」(The Revolt of the Masses

絶望と希望の関係 (Despair and Hope)



"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
「自分の内に混沌を持っている者だけが、踊る星を生み出すことができる。」(Thus Spoke Zarathustra

受身の行為と文明の命取り (Passive Actions and Civilization's Downfall)

ホセ・オルテガの見解をもとに、受身の行為(Passive Actions)は文明にとって致命的であると述べています。流行に乗るだけでなく、自分の意志で変化を起こすことが必要です。



日本語 英語
リスク・テーキング Risk-Taking
確率的な予測 Stochastic Prediction
不確実性 Uncertainty
確率分布 Probability Distribution
確率変数 Random Variable
環境条件 Environmental Conditions
数学的な不確実性 Mathematical Uncertainty
歴史的な不確定性 Historical Uncertainty
シラーの見解 Schiller’s Perspective
不安 Anxiety
ユーフォリア Euphoria
ニーチェの見解 Nietzsche’s Perspective
決断 Decision
歴史的感性 Historical Sensitivity
絶望 Despair
希望 Hope
受身の行為 Passive Actions
文明の命取り Downfall of Civilization



The Global Economic Crisis and Risk-Taking

The Misconception of Risk-Taking

Currently, the global economy is in a crisis, and some economists argue that "risk-taking" is the fundamental aspect of the market. This view suggests that embracing risk and uncertainty is essential for the functioning of markets. However, this perspective misunderstands the nature of risk.

The Difference Between Risk and Uncertainty

Risk refers to uncertainties that can be quantified with probabilities (Stochastic). For example, when a fair die (Dice) is rolled, the probability of getting a 1 is 1/6. This kind of risk can be evaluated using Probability Theory.

  • Risk : Uncertainties that can be quantified with probabilities. Example: The probability of rolling a one on a die.
  • Uncertainty: Unpredictable events that cannot be quantified with probabilities. Example: The potential collapse of the global economy.

John Maynard Keynes states:

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

Mathematical Uncertainty vs Historical Uncertainty

Mathematical Uncertainty can be modeled as Random Variables with Probability Distributions . In contrast, Historical Uncertainty involves changing Environmental Conditions  that make predictions difficult.

  • Probability Distribution: A mathematical model for probabilistic events. Example: Normal Distribution.
  • Random Variable : A variable that follows a Probability Distribution. Example: The outcome of rolling a die.
  • Environmental Conditions : External factors that change over time. Example: Political changes, technological advancements.

Schiller’s Perspective

Schiller argues that the flow of history (Historical Process) is not merely mathematical uncertainty but involves constantly changing values (Values), customs (Customs), technologies (Technology), and institutions (Institutions), making predictions of future events extremely difficult.

Schiller’s perspective:

"Historical and cultural context is always in flux, making it impossible to predict future events with certainty."
The Crisis of Modernity

Modern Anxiety and Euphoria

Modern Anxiety  arises from historical uncertainties, and Schiller argues that a person who does not feel anxiety in such times is either a fool or eccentric. Modern societies often experience abnormal anxiety (Abnormal Anxiety) due to the destruction of established customs (Customs).

Friedrich Nietzsche states:

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."
Twilight of the Idols

Historical and Cultural Sensitivity and Decision-Making

Understanding the Situation  and making appropriate Decisions  based on historical and cultural contexts is crucial. Schiller emphasizes that grasping the situation and making decisions is more important than mere passive acceptance of change.

José Ortega y Gasset states:

"I am I and my circumstance; and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself."
The Revolt of the Masses

Despair and Hope

Schiller argues that modern despair (Despair) stems from a decline in the ability to make value judgments (Value Judgment), as Nietzsche also observed. This despair is due to a loss of hope (Hope) arising from the lack of spontaneity in judgment.

Nietzsche’s perspective:

"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Passive Actions and the Downfall of Civilization

José Ortega y Gasset also argues that Passive Actions are detrimental to civilization. Simply following trends without taking proactive actions is dangerous for a society.


Here is a summary of the key concepts in English:

Japanese English
リスク・テーキング Risk-Taking
確率的な予測 Stochastic Prediction
不確実性 Uncertainty
確率分布 Probability Distribution
確率変数 Random Variable
環境条件 Environmental Conditions
数学的な不確実性 Mathematical Uncertainty
歴史的な不確定性 Historical Uncertainty
シラーの見解 Schiller’s Perspective
不安 Anxiety
ユーフォリア Euphoria
ニーチェの見解 Nietzsche’s Perspective
決断 Decision
歴史的感性 Historical Sensitivity
絶望 Despair
希望 Hope
受身の行為 Passive Actions
文明の命取り Downfall of Civilization

These insights help understand the nature of economic crises, the role of risk, and the importance of historical and cultural contexts in decision-making.