萬法帰一 | 阿波の梟のブログ








The text explains the Buddhist concept, especially in Zen, of "all dharmas return to the one" (萬法帰一). This concept means that all existence and phenomena ultimately return to a single fundamental truth. In Buddhism, this fundamental truth is referred to as "Suchness" (真如), "Dharma-nature" (法性), "One Mind" (一心), and "Innate Pure Mind" (自性清浄心).

An illustrative Zen story involving Zhaozhou's (趙州) dialogue on "all dharmas return to the one" is introduced. A monk asked, "All dharmas return to the one; where does the one return to?" Zhaozhou answered, "When I was in Qingzhou, I made a cloth robe that weighed seven pounds."

At first glance, Zhaozhou's response seems unrelated to the monk's question. However, in Zen, experience and intuition that transcend reasoning are valued. Zhaozhou's answer indicates that all actions and experiences in daily life return to the one, emphasizing a state of understanding that transcends reasoning.

The key point here is that in Zen teaching, truth lies beyond discrimination, and this truth is found in daily life. Zen dialogues and teachings are understood only through experience beyond words and reasoning, often requiring extensive practice.

Thus, the Zen concept of "all dharmas return to the one" signifies that all phenomena and existence ultimately return to a fundamental truth, which manifests in everyday life.