小惑星や彗星の衝突の可能性 | 阿波の梟のブログ





地球の周りには数多くの小惑星(asteroid)や彗星(comet)が存在し、その中には地球に衝突する可能性があるものも含まれています。地球近傍小惑星(Near-Earth Objects, NEOs)として知られるこれらの天体は、定期的に監視され、その軌道が計算されています。NASAのような宇宙機関は、約2000個のNEOsが地球と衝突する可能性があると報告しています。






各国の宇宙機関は、このリスクに対処するために「惑星防衛」(Planetary Defense)システムの開発を進めています。2022年10月には、NASAが「ダブル・アステロイド・リダイレクション・テスト」(Double Asteroid Redirection Test, DART)という実証実験を行い、地球から約1100万キロメートル離れた小惑星「ディモルフォス」(Dimorphos)に探査機「ダート」(DART)を衝突させ、その軌道を変えることに成功しました。これは、人類が天体の軌道を変えることができることを示す画期的な成果です。



Sure, here's the English translation:

Possibility of Asteroids and Comets Colliding with Earth

Based on scientific evidence and space theories, here is an explanation of the possibility of asteroids and comets colliding with Earth.

Possibility of Collision with Asteroids and Comets

There are numerous asteroids and comets around Earth, some of which have the potential to collide with our planet. These celestial bodies, known as Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), are regularly monitored, and their orbits are calculated. Space agencies like NASA report that there are about 2,000 NEOs that could potentially collide with Earth.

Historical Collision Events

Approximately 4.6 billion years ago, Earth was formed by colliding with many asteroids. Furthermore, around 65 million years ago, a 10-kilometer-diameter asteroid collided with Earth, causing the extinction of many species, including dinosaurs. This collision is confirmed by a crater over 180 kilometers in diameter found in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.

Recent Collision Events

In February 2013, a fragment of an asteroid approximately 17 meters in diameter fell in Chelyabinsk Oblast, western Russia. Before hitting the ground, it exploded in the air, and the shockwave caused the windows of 7,240 buildings to shatter, injuring over 1,500 people. Such incidents demonstrate that the risk of celestial bodies colliding with Earth is real.

Planetary Defense Systems

To address this risk, space agencies worldwide are developing "Planetary Defense" systems. In October 2022, NASA conducted a historic test known as the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). They successfully altered the orbit of the asteroid Dimorphos, located about 11 million kilometers from Earth, by crashing the DART spacecraft into it. This groundbreaking achievement demonstrates that humans can change the orbit of celestial bodies.


The possibility of asteroids and comets colliding with Earth is indeed real, and the risk is tangible. However, scientists are actively taking measures to mitigate this risk. With the continuous development of new technologies and methods, we can more effectively prevent the threat of celestial bodies to Earth in the future.