ジャーナリング(Journaling) | 阿波の梟のブログ




理論的背景(Theoretical Background)

表現療法(Expressive Therapy)


認知行動療法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT)



感情記録(Emotion Logging)


課題ジャーナリング(Prompt Journaling)


自由形式(Free Form)



ストレス軽減(Stress Reduction)




メンタルヘルス改善(Mental Health Improvement)


精神医学からの分析(Psychiatric Analysis)

情緒調整(Emotional Regulation)


治療補助(Therapeutic Aid)


証拠に基づくアプローチ(Evidence-based Approach)



Journaling involves recording all the emotions and events one experiences in daily life. This activity can be a powerful tool for enhancing mental health and self-understanding. Below is an exploration of journaling from the perspectives of theoretical background, methodology, benefits, and psychiatric analysis.

Theoretical Background

Expressive Therapy

Journaling is considered a form of expressive therapy. Expressive therapy promotes mental healing and growth by using language or artistic means to express emotions and thoughts. Journaling emphasizes linguistic expression within this framework.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Journaling is also used as part of CBT. CBT aims to recognize and transform negative thought patterns into more constructive ones. By recording and analyzing thoughts and emotions through journaling, individuals can deepen their self-understanding and encourage positive change.


Emotion Logging

Emotion logging involves detailing the emotions felt in response to daily events. For example, it is recommended to develop a habit of recording the day’s events and corresponding emotions every night before bed.

Prompt Journaling

Prompt journaling is writing based on specific questions or themes. An example is answering questions like "What are you most grateful for today?" in a journal.

Free Form

This method involves writing thoughts and feelings freely without adhering to specific rules or guidelines. This format encourages spontaneous self-expression and a sense of inner freedom.


Stress Reduction

Journaling helps reduce stress. By writing down emotions and thoughts, individuals can organize their minds and alleviate emotional burdens.


Regularly recording emotions and behaviors helps individuals understand their patterns and triggers better, aiding in personal growth and problem-solving.

Mental Health Improvement

Studies indicate that journaling can alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. It also enhances positive emotions and overall well-being.

Psychiatric Analysis

Emotional Regulation

From a psychiatric perspective, journaling is an effective tool for emotional regulation. It helps individuals recognize, accept, and appropriately express their emotions.

Therapeutic Aid

Journaling is also used as an adjunct to counseling and psychotherapy. By recording their emotions and thoughts between sessions, clients can facilitate therapeutic progress.

Evidence-based Approach

Numerous studies support the efficacy of journaling. For instance, journaling has been shown to be beneficial for treating PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and chronic pain.

Journaling goes beyond merely writing in a diary, offering a profound means of self-understanding and mental health improvement. Regular practice can maximize its benefits.