タンパク質と炭水化物 | 阿波の梟のブログ






イギリス・エセックス大学のヘンリー・チャン氏らによると、筋肉の成長は「筋タンパク質合成(muscle protein synthesis)」と「筋タンパク質分解(muscle protein breakdown)」のバランスによって決まります。筋力トレーニング後にホエイプロテインなどの速放性タンパク質(fast-absorbing proteins)を摂取することで、短期的な筋タンパク質の合成が促進されます。また、就寝前にカゼインプロテインなどの徐放性タンパク質(slow-releasing proteins)を摂取すると、夜間の筋肉の回復が向上することが示されています。






炭水化物にも種類があり、グリセミック・インデックス(Glycemic Index, GI)が重要です。低GI食品は血糖値の上昇を緩やかにし、持続的なエネルギーを供給します。例として、サツマイモやポリッジが挙げられます。一方で、トレーニング後にはベーグルやグラノーラなどの高GI食品を摂取することで、筋肉へのグリコーゲンの迅速な補給がサポートされます。



The Importance of Protein and Carbohydrates in Strength Training

While it is widely known that protein intake is essential for muscle growth in strength training, the role of carbohydrates is equally important. Recent research and expert opinions have revealed that a balanced intake of both protein and carbohydrates is necessary for muscle growth and performance enhancement.

Muscle Synthesis and Breakdown

According to Henry Chan, a lecturer in sports exercise science at the University of Essex, the growth of muscles is determined by the balance between "muscle protein synthesis" and "muscle protein breakdown." Consuming fast-absorbing proteins such as whey protein after strength training promotes short-term muscle protein synthesis. Additionally, consuming slow-releasing proteins like casein protein before bedtime improves muscle recovery during the night.

The Role of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrate intake affects the rate of muscle protein breakdown. When carbohydrates are consumed, insulin is secreted in the body, which has the effect of suppressing protein breakdown. Therefore, carbohydrates play a crucial role in maximizing muscle synthesis.

The Case of Mark Taylor

Mark Taylor, who won the title of "Mr. Universe Masters Over 45" in 2023, had adhered to a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet for many years but struggled with constant fatigue. By switching to a diet that included higher carbohydrate and calorie intake, he was able to improve his performance and achieve his dream title.

Choosing the Right Carbohydrates

There are different types of carbohydrates, and the glycemic index (GI) is important. Low-GI foods raise blood sugar levels slowly and provide sustained energy. Examples include sweet potatoes and porridge. On the other hand, consuming high-GI foods like bagels and granola after training supports rapid glycogen replenishment in the muscles.


In strength training, both protein and carbohydrate intake are essential for muscle growth and performance enhancement. Combining low-GI and high-GI foods effectively supports training and recovery. Recognizing the importance of balanced nutrition based on expert opinions and recent research is crucial for successful muscle building.