パトリオティズムとナショナリズム | 阿波の梟のブログ




パトリオティズム(Patriotism)と愛郷心(Love of Homeland)







エスノセントリズムは、ウィリアム・グラハム・サムナー(William Graham Sumner)の造語で、自分の育った民族や文化を最高とし、他の文化を否定的に評価する態度や思想を指します。1897年頃の井上哲次郎らの「日本主義」や「国粋保存主義」はエスノセントリズムに近いものでしたが、これらの思想は三国干渉や鹿鳴館外交など欧化政策に対抗し、日本独自の伝統文化を西欧文化と同様に尊重しようとするものでした。


「祖国」に対応するのが「ネーション(nation)」であり、「既存の状態」を「ステート(state)」、すなわち国家を意味します。合理的・理論的な理性に基づく国家も、感性に基づく祖国パトリ・ナツィオを前提として成り立ちます。さらに、いずれもナショナル・ランゲージ(国語、national language)を中心に表現され、母語から育まれたものです。






  • サミュエル・ジョンソン: 「愛国心は悪党の最後の隠れ家だ。」
    → 愛国心が利用されることの危険性を警告しています。
  • ジョージ・オーウェル: 「愛国心とは自国が他国よりも優れていると信じることであり、客観的な事実に基づかない。」
    → 愛国心の過剰な形態に対する批判です。


Philosophical and Humanistic Considerations on Patriotism and Nationalism

Patriotism and Love of Homeland

Patriotism, derived from the Latin word "patr" meaning father or homeland, signifies a love for one's native land. This concept evokes images such as the sound of church bells ringing in one's hometown. Here, "country" refers to a place with a rural and pastoral atmosphere, emphasizing the connection to one’s homeland.

Nationalism and Patriotism

Nationalism, derived from the Latin word "natio" meaning birthplace, shares its roots with words like "natural" and "native." Both patriotism and nationalism are rooted in the feelings one has for their birthplace, feelings that arise naturally in all humans and are nearly synonymous.

Samuel Johnson's Warning and Ethnocentrism

Recently, scholars have pointed to a rise in patriotism due to territorial issues and labeled it as a dangerous form of nationalism. This is a mistaken view, akin to Samuel Johnson’s famous remark, "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." Patriotism and love of one's homeland are not about denying other countries but about respecting them in the same way one respects their own.

Critique of Ethnocentrism

Ethnocentrism, a term coined by William Graham Sumner, describes an attitude that regards one’s own ethnic group and culture as superior while viewing others negatively. The "Japanese Nationalism" or "National Essence Preservationism" (国粋保存主義) espoused by Inoue Tetsujiro around 1897 is akin to ethnocentrism. However, these ideologies were in opposition to Westernization policies such as the Triple Intervention and Rokumeikan Diplomacy, seeking to respect and preserve Japan’s traditional culture alongside Western culture.

The Concept of State and Homeland

The term "nation" corresponds to the concept of "homeland," while "state" refers to the existing condition of the country. Rational and theoretical states are built upon the emotional foundation of homeland and nation. Both are expressed through a national language, nurtured from one's mother tongue.

Excessive Patriotism and Xenophobia

In times of crisis, excessive demands for patriotism can lead to xenophobia. Every virtue, when taken to excess, becomes a vice. A healthy individual possesses empathy and the ability to understand that just as they take pride in their homeland and language, other countries do the same. Patriotism and love of one's homeland are indicators of a nation's spiritual health, judged by whether it is inclusive or exclusive.


We should strive to be healthy citizens. Denying patriotism outright is foolish. While excessive nationalism that leads to exclusion of others should be avoided, love and pride in one’s country can coexist with respect for other nations. This balance represents the true essence of healthy patriotism.

Quotes and Recommendations

  • Samuel Johnson: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."
    → A warning about the misuse of patriotism.
  • George Orwell: "Patriotism is the belief that one's country is superior to all others because you were born in it, which is not based on objective facts."
    → A critique of excessive patriotism.

These quotes highlight that patriotism and love of one's homeland should not lead to the exclusion of others but rather coexist with mutual respect.