知識と見識、そして胆識 | 阿波の梟のブログ






  • 知識: 客観的な情報や事実。知識は教育や経験を通じて得られますが、それ自体は問題解決に直接役立つわけではありません。
  • 見識: 知識を元にした洞察力や判断力。見識は、知識に基づいて物事を深く理解し、適切な判断を下す能力です。
  • 胆識: 見識に加えて、実際に行動に移す決断力と勇気。胆識は、理論的理解や見識を現実に適用し、困難を克服するための意志と行動力を意味します。






  • 知は行の始まりであり、行は知の完成である。
  • 知識があるだけでは不十分であり、その知識を実際に行動に移すことで初めて完全な知識となる。




  1. 人格の形成: 高い見識を持つためには、知識だけでなく人格の育成が必要です。人格は、倫理的な価値観や道徳心によって形成されます。これは、古代ギリシャの哲学者アリストテレスが「高徳(アレテー)」として論じた内容とも関連します。

  2. 実践と経験: 理論や知識を実際に行動に移すことで、見識が鍛えられます。経験から得られる教訓や洞察は、単なる知識を超えて深い理解と判断力をもたらします。

  3. 精神的な強さ: 胆識を持つためには、精神的な強さが必要です。これは、困難や反対意見に直面しても、信念を貫く力です。陽明学では、志(こころざし)を持つことの重要性が強調されています。志は持続的な目標や理想であり、これが人間の行動力の源となります。



  • ソクラテス: 古代ギリシャの哲学者で、「無知の知」を説きました。彼は知識の限界を認識し、深い洞察と自己反省を重視しました。
  • ナポレオン・ボナパルト: 彼の名言に「不可能はフランス語ではない」というものがあります。これは、困難に直面しても決して諦めず、実行力を持って突き進む姿勢を表しています。
  • マハトマ・ガンジー: インド独立運動の指導者で、非暴力・不服従の理念を実践しました。ガンジーは見識と胆識の典型的な例です。



The text emphasizes the limitations of knowledge and theory, highlighting the importance of deeper insight and resolute action. Let's delve into this philosophically and in the context of the humanities, including an explanation of Yangmingism and the introduction of notable figures and their sayings.

Knowledge, Insight, and Resolute Action

First, let's clarify the differences between knowledge, insight, and resolute action.

  • Knowledge: Objective information or facts. Knowledge is acquired through education and experience, but by itself, it does not directly solve problems.
  • Insight: The ability to understand and judge based on knowledge. Insight involves deeply understanding matters and making appropriate judgments.
  • Resolute Action: The determination and courage to put insight into practice. Resolute action means applying theoretical understanding and insight to reality, overcoming difficulties with willpower and action.

These concepts have been discussed by many philosophers and thinkers from ancient times to the present.

The Perspective of Yangmingism

Yangmingism is a school of thought systematized by the Chinese Confucian scholar Wang Yangming (1472-1529). It centers on the principle of the unity of knowledge and action (知行合一).

The Teachings of Wang Yangming

Wang Yangming explained the unity of knowledge and action as follows:

  • Knowledge is the beginning of action, and action is the completion of knowledge.
  • Merely having knowledge is insufficient; it must be put into action to become complete knowledge.

One of Wang Yangming's famous sayings is, "Knowledge is the beginning of action, and action is the completion of knowledge." This teaches that true knowledge is meaningless unless accompanied by action. No matter how abundant one's knowledge, if it is not acted upon, it cannot help solve real problems.

Cultivating Insight and Resolute Action

To cultivate insight and resolute action, the following elements are crucial:

  1. Formation of Character: High insight requires not only knowledge but also the cultivation of character. Character is formed through ethical values and morals, which is related to what the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle discussed as "virtue (aretē)."

  2. Practice and Experience: Insight is honed by putting theory and knowledge into practice. Lessons and insights gained from experience provide a deeper understanding and judgment beyond mere knowledge.

  3. Mental Strength: Resolute action requires mental strength. This is the ability to uphold one’s beliefs even in the face of difficulties and opposition. In Yangmingism, the importance of having a志 (aspiration) is emphasized. Aspiration is a sustained goal or ideal and serves as the source of human motivation.

Notable Figures and Sayings

Throughout history, many individuals have demonstrated insight and resolute action, greatly influencing society with their determination. Here are some examples:

  • Socrates: An ancient Greek philosopher who advocated for "the knowledge of ignorance." He recognized the limits of knowledge and emphasized deep insight and self-reflection.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte: Known for his saying, "Impossible is not a French word." This reflects his attitude of never giving up in the face of difficulties and his determination to act.
  • Mahatma Gandhi: The leader of the Indian independence movement who practiced the philosophy of non-violence and civil disobedience. Gandhi is a quintessential example of someone with both insight and resolute action.


Knowledge alone is merely an accumulation of information and is insufficient for solving significant problems. What is required is deep insight based on knowledge and the determination and courage to put this insight into action. The teachings of Yangmingism, especially the principle of "the unity of knowledge and action," emphasize the importance of these qualities. We must not only possess knowledge but also translate it into action to achieve true understanding and success.