世界に存在する「4つの力」 | 阿波の梟のブログ







宇宙には「もの」だけではなく、「力」が存在します。この力が働かないと、何も起きません。宇宙に働く力を整理していくと、4種類に分類されます。それが、電磁気力 (electromagnetic force)、重力 (gravitational force)、強い力 (strong nuclear force)、弱い力 (weak nuclear force) です。

電磁気力 (Electromagnetic Force)


重力 (Gravitational Force)


強い力 (Strong Nuclear Force)


弱い力 (Weak Nuclear Force)




The Origins of the Universe: Understanding the Four Fundamental Forces

13.8 billion years ago, the universe originated from an extremely small clump of energy smaller than a point. From there, matter, the Earth, and life were born, leading to our existence. But how can we unravel the origins of the universe that no one has ever witnessed?

In this series, we will guide you through the great mysteries of the universe, based on "The Origins of the Universe and Matter" edited by the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization.

The Four Fundamental Forces of the Universe

The universe consists not only of "things" but also of "forces." Without these forces, nothing would happen. When we categorize the forces acting in the universe, we find that there are four types: the electromagnetic force, the gravitational force, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.

Electromagnetic Force

The force we use most frequently is the electromagnetic force, which encompasses both electrical and magnetic forces. It is responsible for binding atoms and molecules and is involved in most of the forces we encounter in daily life, such as touching, moving objects, and even sleeping. When we are in contact with our bed or futon, the electromagnetic force is at work.

Gravitational Force

Gravitational force is the force with which the Earth pulls us, famously discovered by Isaac Newton when he observed an apple falling. The Earth pulls the Moon, causing it to orbit the Earth. This gravitational pull operates between all masses and also keeps the Earth orbiting the Sun.

Strong Nuclear Force

The strong nuclear force acts within the nucleus of an atom. This force binds quarks together to form protons and neutrons, and it holds protons and neutrons together to form atomic nuclei. It is stronger than the electromagnetic force, hence it is also called the strong interaction.

Weak Nuclear Force

The weak nuclear force is responsible for changing the types of particles. It is at work during radioactive decay, causing particles to transform. Unlike the other three forces, it does not attract or repel but rather changes particle types, making it akin to a sort of alchemical force. It is weaker than the electromagnetic force, hence it is called the weak interaction.


Understanding these four fundamental forces is crucial to comprehending the universe. While electromagnetic and gravitational forces are commonly experienced in daily life, the strong and weak nuclear forces operate within atomic nuclei. By studying these forces, we gain clues to unravel the origins of the universe and the nature of matter.