進化心理学『The Adapted Mind』 | 阿波の梟のブログ



進化心理学の基礎理論を確立した研究者と彼らの著書『The Adapted Mind』に関する重要ポイントを以下に挙げ、詳しく解説します。


  • ジョン・トゥービー(John Tooby)
  • レダ・コスミデス(Leda Cosmides)

彼らの著書『The Adapted Mind』の概要

『The Adapted Mind』は、ジョン・トゥービーとレダ・コスミデスが編集した重要な著書で、進化心理学の基本的な視点から人間の認知機能や社会行動を分析しています。


  1. 進化的適応(Evolutionary Adaptation)

    • 人間の心(mind)は、進化の過程で生存と繁殖に有利な特定の環境に適応するように形作られてきたと考えられています。
    • これにより、特定の認知機能や行動パターンが進化してきたという視点です。
  2. モジュール性(Modularity)

    • 心は多くの特定の機能を持つモジュールから構成されているとする考え方です。
    • 例えば、言語、視覚、社会的認知など、特定の課題に対する専門的なモジュールが存在するとされています。
  3. 環境適応(Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, EEA)

    • 心の進化は、現在の環境ではなく、狩猟採集社会のような過去の進化的適応環境での圧力に応じて進化してきたとされています。
    • 現代社会の多くの問題は、この進化的適応環境との不一致から生じていると考えられます。
  4. 認知的バイアス(Cognitive Bias)

    • 人間の認知には、進化的に形成されたバイアスが存在することが示されています。
    • 例えば、危険を過大評価する傾向や、社会的地位に敏感であることなどが挙げられます。
  5. 普遍的な人間の性質(Human Universals)

    • 進化心理学は、すべての人類に共通する心理的特性や行動パターンを強調します。
    • 文化を超えて見られる普遍的な人間の性質が進化的適応の産物であると考えられています。


進化的適応(Evolutionary Adaptation)

進化的適応は、生物が環境に適応する過程を通じて生じる形質や行動のことを指します。『The Adapted Mind』では、人間の心も他の生物同様、進化の過程で特定の環境条件に適応してきたと論じています。これにより、特定の問題解決能力や社会的行動が進化し、生存や繁殖に有利な特性が発達したとされています。



環境適応(Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, EEA)


認知的バイアス(Cognitive Bias)


普遍的な人間の性質(Human Universals)



『The Adapted Mind』は、進化心理学の視点から人間の認知機能や社会行動を深く分析した著作です。進化的適応、モジュール性、環境適応、認知的バイアス、普遍的な人間の性質といった概念を通じて、人間の心と行動の複雑なメカニズムを解明しようとしています。

Here are the key points and detailed explanations in English about the foundational theorists of evolutionary psychology and their book 'The Adapted Mind':

Foundational Theorists of Evolutionary Psychology

  • John Tooby
  • Leda Cosmides

Overview of Their Book 'The Adapted Mind'

'The Adapted Mind,' edited by John Tooby and Leda Cosmides, is a seminal work that analyzes human cognitive functions and social behavior from the perspective of evolutionary adaptations.

Key Points

  1. Evolutionary Adaptation

    • The human mind is considered to have been shaped by evolutionary processes to adapt to specific environments that enhanced survival and reproduction.
    • This perspective suggests that specific cognitive functions and behavior patterns have evolved over time.
  2. Modularity

    • The mind is thought to consist of many specialized modules, each designed for specific functions.
    • Examples include modules for language, vision, and social cognition, each tailored to solve specific problems.
  3. Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)

    • The evolution of the mind is believed to have occurred in response to pressures in past environments, such as those faced by hunter-gatherer societies, rather than modern environments.
    • Many contemporary issues arise from mismatches between our evolved traits and the modern world.
  4. Cognitive Bias

    • Human cognition is shown to have biases that were evolutionarily advantageous.
    • Examples include tendencies to overestimate danger and to be sensitive to social status.
  5. Human Universals

    • Evolutionary psychology emphasizes psychological traits and behavior patterns that are universal across all human cultures.
    • These universal traits are seen as products of evolutionary adaptation.

Detailed Explanations

Evolutionary Adaptation

Evolutionary adaptation refers to traits or behaviors that develop through the evolutionary process to suit specific environmental conditions. 'The Adapted Mind' posits that, like other organisms, the human mind evolved to address challenges related to survival and reproduction. Consequently, cognitive abilities and social behaviors evolved to provide advantages in specific contexts.


In evolutionary psychology, the mind is viewed as a collection of specialized modules, each evolved to handle particular tasks. These modules are designed to solve evolutionary problems specific to certain domains. For example, a facial recognition module aids in identifying individuals, while a language module facilitates understanding and producing speech.

Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness (EEA)

The environment of evolutionary adaptedness refers to the specific past environments where a species evolved. For humans, many cognitive and behavioral traits evolved in the context of hunter-gatherer societies. This means that the modern environment often presents conditions that differ significantly from those in which our minds evolved, leading to potential mismatches.

Cognitive Bias

Evolutionary psychology highlights that human cognition is not always rational or objective but is influenced by biases that were beneficial in our ancestral environments. For example, overestimating danger could help avoid threats, while social cognition biases help navigate social hierarchies and relationships effectively.

Human Universals

Evolutionary psychology focuses on traits and behaviors common to all humans, regardless of culture. These universal aspects of human nature are viewed as results of evolutionary pressures. Examples include the ability to learn language, the nature of parent-child relationships, and basic emotional responses.


'The Adapted Mind' delves deeply into human cognitive functions and social behaviors from an evolutionary psychology perspective. By examining concepts like evolutionary adaptation, modularity, EEA, cognitive bias, and human universals, the book aims to uncover the complex mechanisms underlying human thought and behavior.