人間は努力している間は、迷う | 阿波の梟のブログ










In the "Prologue in Heaven" of Goethe's "Faust," God says, "Man errs as long as he strives." This statement holds profound truth and prompts us to reflect on the relationship between striving and erring in the journey of life.

We all wish to resolve our uncertainties quickly and decisively. However, the larger the problem, the greater the uncertainty, and when it comes to contemplating life and the future, solutions do not come easily. We have no choice but to strive diligently while grappling with uncertainty. Goethe captures this beautifully in the "Prologue in Heaven."

The essence of "erring" begins with having "doubt" and continues as a process of exploration towards the object of our doubt. "To have doubts" is "to err," to think for oneself, and to possess the autonomous freedom to err. This very process is the driving force that propels human growth and progress.

Furthermore, another quote from "Faust" states, "He who strives unceasingly is redeemed." This phrase offers hope that no matter the difficulties or uncertainties we face, continuing to strive will eventually lead to a breakthrough. Human beings must experience both the joys and sorrows of life and diligently pursue the quest for life's meaning while erring along the way.

Goethe also says in "Faust," "Man grows by continually striving and seeking, transcending himself through this effort." This teaches us that the continuous cycle of striving and erring fosters human growth and leads us to higher dimensions. It is in the midst of uncertainty that we can discover our true selves.

Another quote from "Faust" I would like to share is, "Man possesses infinite potential and should continually test himself through new challenges." This statement inspires us to believe in life's possibilities and face new challenges without fear of uncertainty.

From these reflections, it is clear that Goethe's "Faust" offers numerous valuable lessons. The importance of striving amidst uncertainty, the value of maintaining doubt, and the salvation and growth that come from relentless effort. These teachings are incredibly insightful for us today. When uncertainty arises in life, it is essential to recognize that this very uncertainty is the first step toward growth, and by continuing to strive, a path will undoubtedly open. Goethe's words provide us with the courage and hope to believe in this truth.