法と正義の再考 | 阿波の梟のブログ






現代の事例としては、アメリカの「三振法」(Three Strikes Law)があります。この法律は、三度目の重罪を犯した者に対して、非常に厳しい刑罰を科すことを定めています。犯罪防止を目的としたこの法律は、一見理にかなっているように思えます。しかし、実際には、この法律によって軽微な犯罪で終身刑を受ける人々が増え、不正義が生じています。例えば、あるケースでは、繰り返し窃盗を行った人物が三度目の罪で終身刑を宣告されました。彼の罪が社会に及ぼす危険性はそれほど大きくなかったにもかかわらず、法の厳格さによって不釣り合いな罰を受けることになりました。




The Greatest Law Breeds the Greatest Injustice: A Reconsideration of Law and Justice

Marcus Tullius Cicero once said, "The greatest law breeds the greatest injustice." This statement warns that a law, which may appear perfect, can sometimes lead to the greatest forms of injustice. Both historically and in contemporary society, there are numerous examples that reflect the truth of this statement.

One historical example is the Nuremberg Laws of Nazi Germany. These laws legalized discrimination and persecution against Jews, stripping them of their citizenship. While these laws might have been "perfect" in a legal sense, they resulted in immense injustice and human rights violations. This example illustrates that even if a law is enacted in the name of justice, it does not necessarily embody justice.

A contemporary example is the "Three Strikes Law" in the United States. This law mandates severe penalties for individuals convicted of a third serious crime. While the law aims to prevent crime, it has often resulted in disproportionate punishment. For instance, there are cases where individuals have received life sentences for relatively minor offenses committed as their third strike. One notable case involved a man sentenced to life imprisonment for stealing small items repeatedly. Despite the relatively low social threat posed by his actions, the rigidity of the law imposed an unjustly harsh penalty.

These examples demonstrate that the strict application of the law does not always lead to fairness. Laws are intended to maintain social order and achieve justice, but excessive rigidity in their application can foster injustice instead.

From a political perspective, there are instances where governments use laws to concentrate power. In some countries, laws are enacted to suppress dissent, leading to the erosion of free speech. This is another manifestation of how the greatest law can breed the greatest injustice.

In conclusion, Cicero's statement "The greatest law breeds the greatest injustice" provides an opportunity to reconsider the relationship between law and justice. Laws should serve as tools to maintain social order and realize justice, but their application requires careful consideration. Excessive rigidity or misuse of laws to concentrate power can promote injustice and undermine social equity. We must constantly evaluate the balance between the purpose of laws and their implementation, and strive to pursue true justice.