高齢者の基準値 | 阿波の梟のブログ






  • 体重: BMI(体格指数)は18.5〜24.9が正常範囲とされています。高齢者では筋肉量の減少を考慮して、20〜27が推奨される場合もあります。
  • 血圧: 正常血圧は120/80 mmHg以下ですが、高齢者では収縮期血圧140 mmHg未満が推奨されています。









  1. バランスの取れた食事: 栄養価の高い食事を摂ることで、免疫力を高め、病気を予防します。
  2. 適度な運動: 筋力や骨密度を維持し、転倒や骨折のリスクを減らします。
  3. 定期的な健康診断: 早期発見・早期治療が可能になり、重篤な病気を予防します。





  1. 定期的な歯科検診: 歯周病の早期発見と治療が可能です。
  2. 正しいブラッシング方法: 歯垢をしっかりと除去します。
  3. フロスやデンタルリンスの使用: 歯と歯の間の汚れを取り除きます。



  1. 有酸素運動: ウォーキング、ジョギング、サイクリングなど。心肺機能を維持します。
  2. 筋力トレーニング: 筋肉量を維持し、基礎代謝を高めます。
  3. 柔軟運動: ヨガやストレッチングで柔軟性を維持し、ケガのリスクを減らします。



  1. 抗酸化物質の摂取: ビタミンC、E、βカロテンなどを含む食品を摂取します。
  2. オメガ3脂肪酸: 魚や亜麻仁油に含まれるオメガ3脂肪酸は、炎症を抑え、心血管系の健康を保ちます。
  3. 低GI食品: 血糖値の急激な上昇を防ぐために、全粒穀物や野菜を摂取します。





column 8 フレイルでも,安心できる社会を目指す


  1. 地域コミュニティの充実: 社会的つながりを持ち、孤立を防ぐ。
  2. 医療・介護サービスの充実: 必要な医療や介護を受けられる体制を整える。
  3. 予防活動の推進: フレイル予防のための運動や栄養指導を行う。


Here is the English translation of the scientific explanation for each item:

Standard Values for the Elderly

Standard values for test results in the elderly change with age. Generally, the following reference values are considered:

  • Weight: A BMI (Body Mass Index) of 18.5-24.9 is considered normal. For the elderly, a BMI of 20-27 may be recommended to account for muscle loss.
  • Blood Pressure: Normal blood pressure is less than 120/80 mmHg, but for the elderly, a systolic blood pressure of less than 140 mmHg is recommended.

Comparing Test Values

Comparing test values should consider age, sex, medical history, and current health status. For example, the same cholesterol level may be evaluated differently for young adults and the elderly.

Weight and Blood Pressure

Weight and blood pressure are closely related. Obesity is a major risk factor for hypertension, and weight management is crucial for blood pressure control.

Asking Yourself

It is important to consult with a doctor about your health condition and test values. Personalized advice based on individual health status and lifestyle can be obtained.

Three Types of Prevention

To prevent major health issues in the elderly, the following three methods are recommended:

  1. Balanced Diet: Consuming a nutritious diet boosts immunity and prevents diseases.
  2. Moderate Exercise: Maintains muscle strength and bone density, reducing the risk of falls and fractures.
  3. Regular Health Check-ups: Early detection and treatment of diseases are possible, preventing severe health issues.

Aging and Periodontal Disease

Aging increases the risk of periodontal disease. Reduced saliva production makes it easier for bacteria to grow in the oral cavity.

Maintaining Dental Health

To maintain dental health, the following methods are effective:

  1. Regular Dental Check-ups: Allows for early detection and treatment of periodontal disease.
  2. Proper Brushing Techniques: Effectively removes plaque.
  3. Use of Floss and Mouthwash: Cleans between teeth and removes debris.

Exercises to Delay Aging

The following exercises are recommended to delay aging:

  1. Aerobic Exercise: Walking, jogging, cycling, etc., to maintain cardiovascular health.
  2. Strength Training: Maintains muscle mass and increases basal metabolism.
  3. Flexibility Exercises: Yoga and stretching to maintain flexibility and reduce the risk of injury.

Diet to Delay Aging

The following dietary habits are important to delay aging:

  1. Antioxidant Intake: Consume foods rich in vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene.
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish and flaxseed oil, they reduce inflammation and maintain cardiovascular health.
  3. Low GI Foods: Consume whole grains and vegetables to prevent rapid spikes in blood sugar levels.

How to Read Test Value Charts

Test value charts are used to compare individual values with standard values to assess health status. If there are abnormal values, it is important to consult a doctor.

Check Your Test Values!

Regularly checking your test values and ensuring there are no abnormalities is crucial for health management.

Column 8: Aiming for a Society Where Frailty Is Not a Cause for Concern

Frailty refers to a condition where the elderly experience decreased physical and mental strength, making daily life difficult. To create a society where frailty is not a concern, the following measures are necessary:

  1. Enhanced Community Engagement: Foster social connections and prevent isolation.
  2. Comprehensive Medical and Care Services: Ensure access to necessary medical and care services.
  3. Promotion of Preventive Activities: Provide exercise and nutritional guidance to prevent frailty.

These scientific explanations provide valuable information for health management. Use this information to maintain your health effectively.