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紫陽花の花言葉には「移り気」「無常」「浮気」などがあります。これは、あじさいの色が変わることに由来しています。西洋では「heartlessness(冷酷)」「boastfulness(高慢)」「You are cold(あなたは冷たい人)」などの花言葉がついていますが、最近では「家族の結びつき」「団らん」「仲良し」というプラスのイメージの花言葉も用いられています。




  • 青いあじさい:辛抱強い愛情
  • 紫のあじさい:移り気、無常、浮気
  • 赤やピンクのあじさい:元気な女性、強い愛情
  • 白いあじさい:寛容、ひたむきな愛情
  • 緑色のあじさい:ひたむきな愛





The Charm of Hydrangeas: Beauties of the Rainy Season

When the rainy season arrives, the hydrangeas that bloom in the gentle rain captivate our eyes. Their fresh, dewy appearance enhances their charm, evoking the unique beauty of the rainy season. By delving into various interesting facts and trivia about hydrangeas, we can appreciate their allure even more deeply.

The Connection Between "紫陽花" and "Ajisai"

First, let's explore the relationship between the kanji "紫陽花" (hydrangea) and its reading "ajisai." Interestingly, the name "ajisai" existed first, and the kanji "紫陽花" was later assigned to it. One prominent theory about the origin of "ajisai" is that it derives from "集真藍 (azusai)," meaning "a gathering of blue hues." The hydrangea is mentioned in Japan's oldest poetry collection, the "Manyoshu," and in the Heian period dictionary "Wamyō Ruijushō," indicating that it has been cherished since ancient times.

History of Hydrangeas and Differences Between Japan and the West

The kanji "紫陽花" was adapted during the Heian period when scholars attributed it to the flower, inspired by the Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyi, who used "紫陽花" for a different flower. Originally a native plant of Japan, the hydrangea was introduced to the West by Philipp Franz von Siebold, who named it "Otakusa" after his lover, O-Taki. This introduction led to its popularity in the West and subsequent re-importation to Japan after various hybridizations.

The commonly seen spherical hydrangea is known as "Western hydrangea," while Japan’s native "gaku-ajisai" has flowers (actually sepals) that bloom only around the edges, resembling a picture frame. The color of hydrangeas changes based on soil pH: acidic soil yields blue flowers, alkaline soil yields red flowers, and neutral soil yields purple flowers. Japan's volcanic soil and frequent rain result in predominantly blue and purple hydrangeas, while Europe’s alkaline soil favors red flowers.

Hydrangea’s Flower Language and Charms

Hydrangeas’ flower language includes "fickleness," "impermanence," and "infidelity," alluding to their changing colors. In the West, they symbolize "heartlessness," "boastfulness," and "You are cold," but recently, more positive meanings like "family bonds," "togetherness," and "friendship" have been adopted, making them suitable for gifts and celebrations.

There is also a traditional charm involving hydrangeas: hanging an upside-down hydrangea on a day with a six in June wards off misfortune. Hanging it at the entrance protects against bad luck and accumulates wealth, in the room prevents financial difficulties, and in the toilet wards off illnesses, especially women’s ailments. Hydrangeas resemble beehives, historically symbols of prosperity, thus linking them to good fortune. They also represent health due to their association with avoiding "rooting" illnesses.

Hydrangea Colors and Their Meanings

Different hydrangea colors also carry specific meanings:

  • Blue hydrangeas: enduring love
  • Purple hydrangeas: fickleness, impermanence, infidelity
  • Red or pink hydrangeas: spirited women, strong love
  • White hydrangeas: tolerance, devoted love
  • Green hydrangeas: steadfast love

Best Viewing Times and Places

Hydrangeas bloom during the rainy season, reaching their peak in June. Famous spots to view hydrangeas include Meigetsuin and Hasedera in Kamakura, and Mimurotoji in Kyoto. At these locations, colorful hydrangeas spread out under the rainy sky, offering a serene and enchanting sight.


Hydrangeas, with their ever-changing colors and forms, reveal a unique beauty during the rainy season. Understanding their history and symbolism deepens our appreciation for these flowers. As you gaze at the vibrant hydrangeas in the gentle rain, take a moment to savor their tranquil beauty. The serene moments spent admiring these flowers, accompanied by the soothing sound of rain, add a touch of elegance to our daily lives.