暗黙知と形式知 | 阿波の梟のブログ










  1. チーム内での知識共有を促進するためのコラボレーションツールやオンラインプラットフォームの導入。
  2. 社内のベストプラクティスや成功事例を文書化し、社内外での共有を行うためのシステムの構築。
  3. 従業員の教育やトレーニングプログラムの充実化と、経験を共有するためのフォーラムやワークショップの開催。
  4. 外部の専門家やコンサルタントとの協業や業界イベントへの参加を通じた知識の取り込みと更新。
  5. ナレッジマネジメントを組織文化の一部として定着させるためのリーダーシップの強化と関連方針の策定。


Implicit knowledge refers to the knowledge and skills acquired by individuals through experience and intuition, which are often difficult to articulate and convey in words. For instance, the sense of balance or subtle operational techniques when riding a bicycle are examples of implicit knowledge.

On the other hand, explicit knowledge is expressed in words or symbols and can be readily explained or transmitted. Teaching someone the method of driving a bicycle or providing an operational manual represents explicit knowledge transfer.

Knowledge management encompasses processes and strategies aimed at collecting, sharing, utilizing, and creating knowledge within an organization. Its objective is to enhance organizational performance and competitiveness through optimal utilization of knowledge across the organization.

In concrete terms, consider a scenario where a company provides new employees with training manuals and instructions on operational procedures. While initially imparted as explicit knowledge, employees gradually acquire implicit knowledge through practical experience. This could involve skills such as adapting communication with customers or efficiently resolving issues during work.

To convert this implicit knowledge into explicit knowledge, it is essential to facilitate communication among employees and between supervisors to share practical insights and best practices. Additionally, formalizing organizational experiences and knowledge into internal databases or documented procedures is valuable.

Furthermore, organizations should collaborate with external experts, consultants, and participate in industry events to incorporate the latest knowledge and practices. By fostering knowledge sharing and accumulation, organizations can efficiently solve problems and generate innovative ideas.

As for specific recommendations from the proponent in this field:

  1. Introducing collaboration tools or online platforms to promote knowledge sharing within teams.
  2. Establishing systems for documenting and sharing best practices and success stories internally and externally.
  3. Enhancing employee education and training programs and organizing forums or workshops for knowledge sharing.
  4. Collaborating with external experts or consultants and participating in industry events for knowledge acquisition and updates.
  5. Strengthening leadership and formulating related policies to institutionalize knowledge management as part of the organizational culture.

By implementing these measures, organizations can effectively integrate implicit and explicit knowledge, maximize the utilization of the organization's knowledge assets, and achieve sustainable growth and competitiveness.