脳の働きと食事の関係 | 阿波の梟のブログ

















The Relationship between Brain Function and Diet: Achieving Diet Success through Scientific Approaches

Recent research has revealed that obesity and dieting are not solely determined by calorie intake, but also deeply intertwined with brain function and eating behaviors. In this essay, I would like to explore effective dieting strategies by combining insights from "The Thin Brain and Fat Laws" regarding the reward system and self-control, and "Scientifically Correct Diets".

Reward System and Eating Habits:

The reward system, a part of the brain processing pleasure and satisfaction associated with eating, triggers cravings for food-related pleasures. This is known to contribute to excessive food intake and overeating. However, the brain is flexible, and it's possible to control appetite stimulated by the activation of the reward system.

Brain and Self-Control:

The prefrontal cortex of the brain is involved in self-control and decision-making, playing a crucial role in controlling food choices and portions. Strengthening self-control is key to successful dieting. In particular, the concept of hyperbolic discounting explains the conflict between immediate pleasure and future benefits, offering valuable insights into enhancing self-control.

Scientifically Correct Diets:

It's also necessary to mention the importance of diets from a scientific perspective. Beyond calorie intake and nutritional balance, factors such as thermogenesis induced by meals and the impact of dietary restrictions on health need to be considered. In particular, carbohydrate restriction suppresses insulin secretion and prevents fat accumulation.

Interaction between Diet and Brain:

The relationship between eating behavior and dopamine suggests that meals activate the brain's reward system, providing pleasure. On the other hand, the connection between obesity-related behaviors and emotions is also crucial, as stress and anxiety can lead to excessive food intake and obesity.


To lose weight, attention should be paid not only to calorie restriction but also to brain function and food choices. Controlling the reward system and strengthening self-control, along with adopting scientifically based dietary strategies, are the keys to dieting success. Additionally, it's important not to forget the influence of the environment and relationships, emphasizing the need for continuous support and awareness.

Thus, a scientific approach to weight loss requires comprehensive strategies based on understanding brain function and eating behaviors, rather than solely relying on dietary restrictions.