アクティブリスニングの重要性 | 阿波の梟のブログ











  1. 集中力を高める: リスニング中は、相手の言葉に全集中し、その意味や感情を理解しようとする姿勢を持ちましょう。外部の邪魔を排除し、相手に対する注意を最大限に集中させます。

  2. フィードバックを与える: 相手の発言を理解したことを示すために、適切なフィードバックを提供します。これにより、相手が理解されたと感じ、コミュニケーションの品質が向上します。

  3. 質問を使う: 疑問を投げかけることで、相手の発言をさらに理解し、深い対話を促進します。質問を通じて、相手の視点や意図をより明確に把握しましょう。

  4. 非言語コミュニケーションに注意を払う: 言葉だけでなく、相手の非言語的なサインも注意深く観察しましょう。姿勢や表情、声のトーンなどが、相手の感情や意図を示唆しています。

  5. エンパシーを示す: 相手の立場や感情に共感し、その視点を尊重します。相手が抱える問題や懸念に対して理解を示し、支援の手を差し伸べましょう。


Active listening is a cornerstone of effective communication, yet it is often undervalued in the workplace. By honing listening skills and genuinely showing interest in others' perspectives, individuals can build deeper connections and avoid misunderstandings. In this chapter, we explore strategies for becoming more attentive and empathetic listeners, backed by concrete examples and scientifically informed content.

Concrete Examples:

During a meeting, team members are making proposals, but the leader is solely focused on their own ideas and not listening to the input of others. As a result, the team's collective opinions may not be reflected, potentially hindering good decision-making.

In another scenario, unresolved conflicts within the company are causing a deterioration in team morale. At the root of this issue may lie the failure of team members to actively listen to and understand each other's perspectives and emotions.

Scientific Background:

Psychological research indicates that active listening is a vital element in fostering positive relationships and effective communication. It involves paying attention to and seeking to understand not only the literal meaning of words but also the emotions and intentions behind them.

Furthermore, studies in neuroscience suggest that active listening stimulates brain activity, aiding in information processing and memory formation. Understanding the perspectives of others can also build empathy and trust, leading to better relationship building.


  1. Increase Focus: During listening, concentrate fully on the speaker's words and adopt an attitude of trying to understand their meaning and emotions. Eliminate external distractions and maximize attention on the speaker.

  2. Provide Feedback: Offer appropriate feedback to indicate understanding of the speaker's words. This helps the speaker feel heard and improves the quality of communication.

  3. Use Questions: Asking questions helps to further understand the speaker's words and encourages deeper dialogue. Through questioning, gain clearer insight into the speaker's perspective and intentions.

  4. Attend to Nonverbal Communication: Pay close attention not only to words but also to the speaker's nonverbal cues such as posture, facial expressions, and tone of voice, which may suggest emotions or intentions.

  5. Show Empathy: Empathize with the speaker's position and emotions, respecting their perspective. Demonstrate understanding and offer support for any issues or concerns they may have.

Improving active listening skills is essential for personal and team growth. Constantly striving to enhance this skill will help individuals and teams build deeper connections and avoid misunderstandings or conflicts.