筋肉が増える仕組み | 阿波の梟のブログ





  1. 筋肉繊維の損傷と修復: 筋肉のトレーニング中に、筋肉繊維は微小な損傷を受けます。この損傷は、トレーニング後のリカバリー期間中に修復されます。修復プロセスには新しいタンパク質の合成が含まれ、これが筋肉の増大につながります。

  2. タンパク質合成と筋肉増大: 筋肉増大は、タンパク質の合成が増加し、合成と分解のバランスが増強された結果として生じます。特に、筋肉トレーニング後のタンパク質摂取は、筋肉合成を促進し、筋肉増大を支援します。

  3. ミオスタチンの抑制: ミオスタチンは筋肉増大を抑制するタンパク質であり、過剰なミオスタチンの存在は筋肉の成長を妨げます。一部のトレーニングや栄養戦略は、ミオスタチンの活性を抑制し、筋肉の増大を促進する可能性があります。



  1. 高強度トレーニング: 筋肉の速筋線維を刺激するためには、高強度の重量を用いたトレーニングが重要です。これには、ウェイトトレーニングやハイインテンシティインターバルトレーニング(HIIT)などが含まれます。

  2. 爆発的な動き: 速筋線維を刺激するためには、筋肉の爆発的な収縮を含むトレーニングが効果的です。これには、ジャンプ、スプリント、パワーリフティングなどが含まれます。



Mechanisms of Muscle Growth:

Muscle hypertrophy, or the enlargement of muscles, involves a complex process regulated mainly by factors such as training, nutrition, and rest. Common processes involved in muscle hypertrophy include:

  1. Muscle Fiber Damage and Repair: During muscle training, muscle fibers undergo micro-damage. This damage is repaired during the recovery period post-exercise, involving synthesis of new proteins, which contributes to muscle growth.

  2. Protein Synthesis and Muscle Growth: Muscle growth occurs as a result of increased protein synthesis and enhanced balance between synthesis and breakdown. Particularly, protein intake following muscle training promotes muscle protein synthesis, supporting muscle hypertrophy.

  3. Inhibition of Myostatin: Myostatin is a protein that inhibits muscle growth, and its excessive presence can impede muscle growth. Certain training and nutritional strategies may inhibit myostatin activity, potentially promoting muscle growth.

Training Fast-Twitch Fibers:

To train fast-twitch fibers effectively, high-intensity resistance training and explosive movements are recommended. Techniques include:

  1. High-Intensity Training: Utilizing heavy weights in resistance training is crucial to stimulate fast-twitch muscle fibers. This includes weightlifting and high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

  2. Explosive Movements: To stimulate fast-twitch fibers, training should involve explosive muscle contractions. This includes activities like jumping, sprinting, and powerlifting.

Muscle Hypertrophy and Load:

Muscle hypertrophy is significantly influenced by training intensity and volume. Generally, high-intensity training tends to promote muscle hypertrophy more effectively. High-intensity training induces muscle fiber damage and promotes protein synthesis, facilitating hypertrophy. On the other hand, training volume refers to the total sets and repetitions in a workout, and a balanced approach is necessary. Excessive training volume may lead to excessive stress, fatigue, and breakdown.