音楽と人間の発声 | 阿波の梟のブログ








There are similarities between music and human vocalization. In this chapter, we will discuss the similarities and differences between music and vocalization, and how they impact people's emotions and cognition. Here's a detailed explanation with evidence from medicine, physiology, and physics:

Firstly, both music and vocalization involve physiological processes related to sound production. Both utilize vocal organs such as the vocal cords and oral cavity to generate sound. Sound is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. In both speech and music, characteristics of sound such as frequency and intensity, as well as resonant spaces surrounding them, determine the sound's properties. In this regard, vocal cords in music function similarly to musical instruments.

Furthermore, both music and vocalization serve as means of emotional expression and communication. Music expresses and shares emotions through elements like melody, rhythm, and harmony. Similarly, human vocalization communicates emotions and intentions through language, intonation, and tone. The process of expressing and perceiving emotions through music or vocalization is closely related to neural circuits in the brain and psychological mechanisms.

However, there are differences between music and vocalization. While music can freely construct elements like melody and rhythm for expression, vocalization is typically constrained by the purposes of language and communication. Additionally, the characteristics of musical instruments and performance techniques in music differ from vocalization.

From the perspectives of medicine, physiology, and physics, the similarities and differences between music and vocalization are associated with the physiological characteristics of vocal cords and resonant spaces, as well as acoustic elements. These elements suggest an influence on people's emotions and cognition through music and vocalization. For example, it's known that music and vocalization can affect neural circuits in the brain and physiological responses, potentially altering emotions and cognitive processes.