評価基準を自己中心的な視点 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  1. 人生論:

    • 自分軸の視点では、個人の幸福や満足が重視されます。この視点では、個人の欲求や目標達成が最優先とされ、他者の影響や期待は二次的なものとして扱われます。自分自身が満足しているかどうかが、人生の目的や価値の基準となります。
    • 一方、他者軸の視点では、他者への貢献や影響が重視されます。この視点では、他者の幸福や利益を追求することが人生の価値とされ、自己の利益よりも他者への奉仕や支援が優先されます。
  2. 心理学:

    • 自分軸の人々は、自己中心的であり、自己満足度を重視します。彼らは自己中心的な動機や目標に基づいて行動し、自己充足感を追求します。しかし、過度な自己中心主義は孤独や不幸感をもたらす可能性があります。
    • 他者軸の人々は、他者への共感や関心を持ち、他者の幸福を追求します。彼らは他者とのつながりや共同作業を重視し、他者との関係から得られる満足感や幸福感を重視します。他者への配慮が豊かな人間関係を築く上で重要であるとされます。
  3. 教育学:

    • 自己軸の教育アプローチでは、個々の生徒の能力や関心を重視し、自己実現を支援します。生徒たちは自己の目標や志向に基づいて学び、自己成長を促進します。
    • 他者軸の教育アプローチでは、他者との協力や共同作業、そして社会への貢献を重視します。生徒たちは他者との連携や協力を通じて、共同の目標を達成し、他者への配慮や共感を培います。


The way life is approached and the outcomes it yields can significantly differ based on whether the criteria for evaluation are self-centered (self-axis) or other-centered (other-axis). This concept is interpreted from the perspectives of philosophy, psychology, and education.

  1. Philosophy:

    • From a self-axis perspective, individual happiness and satisfaction are prioritized. In this view, personal desires and goal achievements take precedence, with the influence and expectations of others being considered secondary. Whether one is satisfied with oneself becomes the benchmark for the purpose and value of life.
    • Conversely, an other-axis perspective prioritizes contributions to and impacts on others. Here, the pursuit of others' happiness and benefits is deemed the essence of life's value, with service and support to others being prioritized over self-interest.
  2. Psychology:

    • Individuals with a self-axis orientation tend to be self-centered, prioritizing self-satisfaction. They act based on self-centered motives and goals, seeking self-fulfillment. However, excessive self-centeredness can lead to feelings of loneliness and unhappiness.
    • Those with an other-axis orientation show empathy and concern for others, striving for the happiness of others. They value connections and collaboration with others, prioritizing the satisfaction and happiness derived from relationships.
  3. Education:

    • Educational approaches with a self-axis focus emphasize individual students' abilities and interests, fostering self-realization. Students learn and promote self-growth based on their own goals and aspirations.
    • Educational approaches with an other-axis focus prioritize cooperation, collaboration, and contribution to society. Through teamwork and cooperation with others, students achieve common goals and develop empathy and consideration for others.

In summary, the importance of self-axis versus other-axis in life depends on individual values and goals. A balanced approach, combining self-satisfaction with contributions to others, is crucial for leading a fulfilling life.