国連の分担金 | 阿波の梟のブログ





  1. 国内総生産(GDP): 国連は、加盟国のGDPを基に分担金を決定します。一般的に、GDPが大きい国ほど多くの分担金を支払うことになります。

  2. 所得不平等の補正: 貧しい国や経済が発展途上にある国に対しては、所得不平等を考慮して分担金が割り当てられます。これにより、経済的に脆弱な国々が負担を軽減されることがあります。

  3. 国連の予算とプログラムへの拠出: 国連の予算およびプログラムに必要な資金を確保するために、加盟国が支払うことが求められます。加盟国の分担金は、国連の予算とプログラムに基づいて割り当てられます。



The United Nations dues are determined based on factors such as a country's economic strength, gross domestic product (GDP), and population. The specific calculation method for dues is based on the UN's "Comprehensive Financial Regulations and Rules."

The major factors influencing the determination of UN dues include:

  1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP): The UN allocates dues based on the GDP of member countries. Generally, countries with higher GDPs contribute more dues.

  2. Correction for Income Inequality: Dues may be adjusted to account for income inequality, particularly for poorer countries or those in the process of economic development. This helps alleviate the burden on economically vulnerable nations.

  3. Contributions to the UN Budget and Programs: Member countries are required to contribute funds to cover the UN's budget and programs. Dues are allocated to member countries based on the UN's budget and programs.

The specific amounts for UN dues vary annually, but the UN budget is generally allocated based on indicators such as member countries' GDP.

As for the five permanent members of the Security Council, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, their dues are determined according to their respective economic strength and GDP. While these countries may contribute a significant portion of the overall dues, the exact amounts fluctuate annually based on calculations.