感性は、真善美に対する感動 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  1. 心理学的な視点:

    • 心理学では、感性や感動は主観的な体験として捉えられます。個々の人々が真善美に対して感動する要因はさまざまであり、個人の経験や文化、教育などに影響されます。
    • 一般的に、真善美に触れることで、人々は自己実現感や幸福感を高めることができます。これは、心理的な充足感や満足感をもたらすことが科学的に示されています。
  2. 神経科学的な視点:

    • 神経科学の研究では、感性や感動に関連する神経基盤が解明されつつあります。特に、感情処理や報酬系、社会的結びつきなどの脳の領域が関与しています。
    • 真善美に対する感動は、脳内の神経伝達物質やホルモンの放出を通じて生じる可能性があります。例えば、幸福感や喜びをもたらすドーパミンの放出が関連していると考えられています。


Sensibility refers to the ability or tendency of the human heart to be moved by truth, goodness, and beauty. The mechanisms and scientific evaluation of this sensibility can be understood from the perspectives of psychology and neuroscience.

  1. Psychological Perspective:

    • In psychology, sensibility and being moved are perceived as subjective experiences. The factors that lead individuals to be moved by truth, goodness, and beauty vary, influenced by personal experiences, culture, education, and other factors.
    • Generally, encountering truth, goodness, and beauty can enhance individuals' sense of self-fulfillment and happiness. This has been scientifically demonstrated to bring about psychological satisfaction and contentment.
  2. Neuroscientific Perspective:

    • Neuroscientific research has been elucidating the neural basis associated with sensibility and being moved. Brain regions such as those involved in emotion processing, reward systems, and social bonding are particularly implicated.
    • The experience of being moved by truth, goodness, and beauty may involve the release of neurotransmitters and hormones in the brain. For example, dopamine release, associated with feelings of happiness and joy, is thought to be relevant.