「コネクトアンドディレクト」 | 阿波の梟のブログ




1. コネクト (Connect)


  • 共感と理解: 相手の感情や立場に共感し、彼らの視点を理解することが重要です。自分の経験や感情を共有することで、相手との共通の地点を見つけ、信頼関係を築きます。

  • 積極的な聴取: 相手の話に耳を傾け、真剣に受け止めることが大切です。アクティブリスニングを通じて、相手が自分の気持ちや考えを伝えやすくしましょう。

  • 共通の興味や関心事を見つける: 相手との共通点や共通の興味を見つけることで、関係を深めることができます。共通の趣味や関心事について話題を提供し、相手との絆を強化します。

2. ディレクト (Direct)


  • 明確な目標の設定: 相手と共有する明確な目標や目的を設定しましょう。目標が明確であれば、より効果的な方向への導きが可能になります。

  • オープンなコミュニケーション: 相手との間でオープンで率直なコミュニケーションを行いましょう。適切な情報を共有し、相手の理解を深めることで、方向性を明確にします。

  • ポジティブな誘導: 相手をポジティブな方向に導くために、希望や可能性に焦点を当てましょう。ポジティブな言葉やエネルギーを持ち込むことで、相手のモチベーションを高めます。









Connect and Direct Method: Detailed Explanation with Numerous Examples, Introduction of Advocates, and Notable Quotes

1. Connect

Connect refers to building relationships with others. By fostering empathy and trust, effective communication becomes possible. Here are some specific approaches:

  • Empathy and Understanding: Empathize with the emotions and perspectives of others to establish common ground and build trust.
  • Active Listening: Listen attentively to the other person's story, showing genuine interest and understanding.
  • Identifying Common Interests: Find common ground or shared interests to deepen the relationship.

2. Direct

Direct involves guiding others in the appropriate direction. This requires flexibility and adaptability. Effective techniques include:

  • Setting Clear Goals: Establish clear goals or objectives shared with the other person.
  • Open Communication: Engage in open and honest communication to clarify direction.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Provide positive encouragement to steer others in a positive direction.

Concrete Examples:

Suppose you're a team leader overseeing a project, and one of your team members doesn't seem confident. Using the Connect and Direct method, you can support them:

In the Connect phase, empathize with their feelings and concerns, allowing them to express their role and contributions. Active listening and respecting their perspective are key.

In the Direct phase, share clear goals and expectations while encouraging them to approach the project with confidence. Offer positive feedback to boost their motivation and progress towards goals.

Introduction of Advocates:

The Connect and Direct method is widely utilized in coaching and leadership. Among its advocates, Stephen Covey, renowned for his work such as "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," emphasizes this method in leadership consulting.

Notable Quotes:

A notable quote from Stephen Covey is, "The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." This quote encapsulates the central idea of the Connect and Direct method. It emphasizes discovering one's own potential and utilizing it for greater achievements and growth.