「一人の命は地球より重い」 | 阿波の梟のブログ








The phrase "One life is worth more than the Earth" emphasizes the value and sanctity of individual human lives. It suggests a stance that prioritizes the dignity and rights of individuals. Here, "the Earth" symbolizes collective interests, broader societal concerns, or significant economic impacts.

In the context of COVID-19 restrictions, this expression reflects an attitude that prioritizes safeguarding individual lives and health, even if it means imposing measures such as lockdowns or regulations that may affect personal freedoms or economic activities.

However, in extreme situations like the Dhaka hostage exchange hijacking, there may be attempts to sacrifice individual lives to pursue broader interests. In such cases, actions that sacrifice some lives to save others would be seen as disregarding the value of individual lives, making it difficult to apply the principle of "One life is worth more than the Earth."

Regarding the difference from utilitarian triage, utilitarianism aims to maximize overall happiness or well-being, whereas triage is the principle governing the allocation of medical resources during emergencies, such as in healthcare settings. Utilitarian triage may prioritize the greater good, potentially sacrificing some lives for the benefit of the majority. However, the principle of "One life is worth more than the Earth" emphasizes the importance of valuing each individual life and striving to save all lives whenever possible, even in triage situations. Thus, while utilitarianism in triage tends to prioritize collective interests, the principle "One life is worth more than the Earth" underscores the importance of respecting individual rights and dignity.