「H3ロケット打ち上げ成功に思う」 | 阿波の梟のブログ




今日、宇宙開発は、 多発する災害や地球規模課題の解決への貢献、 科学探査の推進、 経済成長とイノベーションの実現、宇宙での安全保障の確保など、意義深いものがある。この分野への世界の関心は急速に高まり、多くの企業が進出し、成長を遂げている。将来、我が国において、宇宙開発に参加したいと考える若者が多く出ることを願うところである。





"Thoughts on the Success of the H3 Rocket Launch"

Today, space development holds significant importance in contributing to solutions for frequent disasters, global challenges, advancement of scientific exploration, economic growth, innovation, and ensuring safety and security in space. The global interest in this field is rapidly increasing, with many companies entering and thriving. It is hoped that there will be a growing number of young people in our country aspiring to participate in space development in the future.

However, there are challenges such as the immense funding required and the increase in space debris. Moreover, space development encompasses various professions that demand specialized knowledge and skills.

Currently, Japan's space development lags behind in terms of technological standards and budget compared to the West. The government is revising the "Basic Plan on Space Policy" with the aim of ensuring safety and security in space and promoting economic growth.

Interest in space development among young people necessitates acquiring knowledge and skills in fields such as aerospace engineering, electrical engineering, physics, and proficiency in English. Space development is a field with promising growth prospects, worthy of attention due to its potential.

The success of the H3 rocket holds significant importance in Japan's space development. The H3 rocket, representing the next generation of core rockets, aims for high reliability, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Its success is expected to establish Japan's leadership in the space sector and enhance its international competitiveness.