セロトニン、ドーパミン、メラトニン | 阿波の梟のブログ







Serotonin and dopamine are chemical substances known as neurotransmitters, each with distinct functions. Serotonin primarily operates within the brain and plays crucial roles in regulating emotions, sleep, appetite, and memory, among other functions. On the other hand, dopamine is involved in various neural functions such as the reward system and motor control, playing important roles in processes like pleasure and motivation.

Specifically, serotonin is involved in emotional stability and sleep regulation, and its deficiency can lead to symptoms of anxiety or depression. Conversely, dopamine is responsible for experiencing pleasure in the reward system and plays a role in motivation and motor control. Therefore, abnormalities in dopamine are associated with disorders such as Parkinson's disease or schizophrenia.

Additionally, melatonin is a hormone that regulates the body's internal clock and sleep rhythms. Its secretion is regulated according to the level of light, increasing in darkness to induce drowsiness. Melatonin supplements are used in the treatment of sleep disorders.

In summary, serotonin regulates emotions and sleep, dopamine is involved in pleasure and motivation, and melatonin controls the body's internal clock and sleep rhythms.