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  1. ポリアミンは新陳代謝促進と老化防止に役立つと考えられています。 研究リンク

  2. マウスにポリアミンを摂取させた結果、老化に伴う毛皮の厚さや運動量の低下が抑制され、死亡率も低下したことが報告されています。 研究リンク

  3. 高脂血症ウサギにポリアミンを摂取させた結果、血小板凝集が抑制され、血流改善効果や心血管疾患予防効果があると考えられています。 研究リンク


Basic Information

Polyamines are essential components present in various organisms from viruses to human cells, crucial for survival. They are a group of hydrocarbons containing two or more amino groups, primarily involved in cell renewal. It's believed that a deficiency in polyamines accelerates cell aging.

Polyamines, synthesized in the body primarily by the amino acids arginine and ornithine, exist in over 20 forms in the human body. Among them, the most prominent are spermine, spermidine, and putrescine. Spermine, the first discovered polyamine, deeply involves cellular metabolism. Spermidine activates enzymes involved in cell renewal. Putrescine, with the simplest structure, is mostly broken down by enzymes in the intestines.

History of Polyamines

Spermine, the first discovered polyamine, was found in semen by Dr. Leeuwenhoek of the Netherlands in 1678. The name "spermine," coined by Dr. Ladenburg in 1888, originates from the word "sperm." The name combines "poly," meaning multiple, from the structure of polyamines, and "amine," referring to amino groups.

Functions of Polyamines

Polyamines play a crucial role in cell division in the body. Without polyamines, cells cannot divide or proliferate, leading to impaired metabolism. They are abundant in tissues producing sperm and enzymes, such as the prostate, pancreas, and salivary glands. Polyamines are also expected to prevent inflammation in blood vessel walls and prevent arteriosclerosis.

As the activity of enzymes synthesizing polyamines decreases around the age of 20, the amount of polyamines in the body decreases with age, accelerating aging. One of the advantages of polyamines found in the human body is their very small molecular weight. Polyamines with low molecular weight can reach the intestines without being broken down, even if ingested through food, and can be absorbed. Therefore, even if there is a deficiency due to age, polyamines can reach organs and tissues in the body and exert their effects by supplementing them through food.

Methods of Polyamine Intake

Polyamines are found in soybeans, mushrooms, particularly in fermented soybean products like natto, soy sauce, and miso. Microorganisms produce polyamines in fermented foods such as cheese. Polyamines are also present in mushrooms, such as shiitake mushrooms, and in chicken meat. Polyamine supplements are available due to the recognized health benefits.

Polyamines are also found in breast milk, and the amount of polyamines in breast milk increases particularly around 10 days to 2 weeks after birth. As polyamines are believed to be involved in promoting infant growth and memory, infant formula may also contain added polyamines.

Effects of Polyamines

Effect of Accelerating Metabolism

By ingesting polyamines, cell renewal is promoted, and metabolism is activated. The human body consists of approximately 60 trillion cells, each of which maintains a healthy body by renewing itself at a certain cycle. All cells can regenerate from old to new cells through the action of DNA and RNA. DNA acts as a blueprint for creating cells, and RNA constructs cells based on that blueprint. Polyamines play a role in generating copies of genes within old cells during cell division and in translating genetic information. Therefore, a lack of polyamines means that cells cannot renew themselves. By supplementing polyamines that decrease with age, it's expected to accelerate metabolism.

Effect of Preventing Aging

By promoting metabolism through polyamine intake, it's believed to contribute to preventing skin aging. Skin aging appears as spots, wrinkles, and dullness as metabolism declines with age. Maintaining youthful skin requires activating metabolism. Skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue. The turnover cycle, where skin cells are renewed from old to new, is called "turnover." While turnover is about 28 days around the age of 20, it increases to about 45 days around 30 to 40 years old. As polyamines are involved in cell renewal, the decreasing polyamines with age are considered one of the factors leading to a longer turnover. Especially, spots and dullness are caused by melanin pigments generated in the basal layer of the epidermis. By promoting metabolism, it's expected to improve the transparency of the skin and prevent aging.

Effect of Preventing Arteriosclerosis

Polyamines are believed to suppress inflammation in blood vessels and prevent arteriosclerosis. Aging appears not only in the skin but also in the blood vessels, bones, and organs, and particularly, these aging processes are associated with increased risks of diseases. Arteriosclerosis, which can be considered aging of blood vessels, is a condition where the flexibility of blood vessels is lost, and the blood vessel walls become hard and thick, leading to the formation of blood clots and potentially life-threatening diseases such as stroke. Inflammation in blood vessels, one of the causes of arteriosclerosis, occurs due to substances like oxidized LDL cholesterol. Oxidized LDL cholesterol is a substance where bad (LDL) cholesterol is oxidized by reactive oxygen species. Reactive oxygen species are substances generated by various factors such as stress, smoking, and ultraviolet rays and are always present in the human body, leading to chronic inflammation in blood vessels with age. When inflammation occurs chronically in blood vessels, the blood vessel walls gradually become stiff, leading to the progression of arteriosclerosis. As polyamines have the effect of suppressing inflammation in blood vessels, they are expected to prevent arteriosclerosis.

Sources of Polyamine

Foods containing Polyamine

  • Fermented soy foods like natto, soy sauce, and miso
  • Fermented foods like cheese
  • Mushrooms such as shiitake mushrooms
  • Chicken meat

Recommended for

  • Those who want to activate metabolism
  • Those who want to prevent aging
  • Those who want to prevent arteriosclerosis

Research on Polyamines

  1. Effect on metabolism promotion and aging prevention: Polyamines are believed to promote the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, contributing to the promotion of metabolism and prevention of aging. PubMed

  2. Effect on aging prevention in mice: Mice fed polyamines (spermine, spermidine) showed suppression of fur thickness and decreased activity associated with aging, as well as reduced mortality, indicating the anti-aging effect of polyamines. PubMed

  3. Effect on preventing arteriosclerosis in hyperlipidemic rabbits: Rabbits with hyperlipidemia were fed polyamines (spermine), resulting in inhibition of platelet aggregation, suggesting the effect of polyamines in improving blood flow and preventing cardiovascular diseases. PubMed