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Myokines are biologically active substances secreted from muscles (myocytes), and their effects extend to various organs and tissues throughout the body. Professor Suyuki Iemitsu from Ritsumeikan University's Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences explains that myokines travel through the bloodstream, not only preventing aging in organs and the nervous system but also facilitating fat burning.

Among the noteworthy myokines are irisin and apelin. These myokines increase the production of nitric oxide (NO) from blood vessels, effectively reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis. NO acts to dilate blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow. Consequently, exercise leads to an elevation in irisin, apelin, and NO levels, enhancing vascular flexibility.

In a study involving obese elderly individuals, conducting aerobic exercise for 45 minutes, three times a week for eight weeks, resulted in increased irisin levels, accompanied by elevated blood NO levels and improved vascular flexibility. This suggests that exercise contributes to the enhancement of vascular function.

Furthermore, irisin promotes the conversion of white adipose cells, which store fat, into brown adipose cells, which expend energy. This "browning" effect is particularly advantageous for females seeking to reduce body fat.

These research findings underscore the significant role of myokines in maintaining health and preventing lifestyle-related diseases. As exercise promotes the secretion of myokines and improves metabolic processes and vascular function, adopting a suitable exercise regimen is essential for supporting a healthy lifestyle.