日本企業による自然減少リスクの開示 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  • NEC、富士通、ソニーグループを含む日本企業81社が、自然と事業活動の関連性を開示することを表明しました。
  • この動きは、世界的なトレンドであり、全世界で321社が同様の取り組みを行っています。
  • 日本企業がこの分野でトップとなり、他国の企業を大きく上回っています。
  • これらの企業は、2024年または2025年に情報を開示する予定です。
  • 自然減少が事業活動に与える影響への懸念が高まっており、企業は開示を通じて対策を伝え、持続可能性を示すことを目指しています。
  • 自然関連財務情報開示タスクフォース(TNFD)が企業に早期の開示を促しており、世界経済フォーラムの総会で多くの企業が賛同しました。
  • 日本企業の他にも、アサヒグループホールディングス、キリンホールディングス、コニカミノルタなどの製造業や、みずほフィナンシャルグループやMS&ADインシュアランスグループHDなどの大手金融機関、地方銀行も同様の取り組みを行っています。
  • これらの企業は、TNFDのフレームワークに基づいて情報を開示し、自然に依存する事業活動とその失われることでの影響を明らかにします。


Here is the English translation of the provided text:

NEC, Fujitsu, Sony Group… Disclosure of Natural Decrease Risk Widens, Japan Leads with "Overwhelmingly" the World's Largest Number of 81 Companies

Financial Institutions Also Declare, Actively Implementing Countermeasures

NEC, Fujitsu, Sony Group, and other Japanese companies, totaling 81, have declared their intention to disclose the relationship between nature, such as organisms and water, and business activities. Globally, 321 companies have made similar declarations, with Japanese companies leading by country or region. The disclosing companies plan to reveal their information by 2024 or 2025. Concerns about the impact of natural decrease on business activities are increasing, and each company aims to convey countermeasures through disclosure and demonstrate its sustainability.

The International Organization "Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)" has called for early disclosure by companies worldwide, and the names of 321 companies that agreed were revealed at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (Davos Conference) which began on the 15th. Following Japan, there were 46 companies in the UK, 19 in France, 14 each in the US and Taiwan, and 12 in Australia.

Other Japanese companies include Asahi Group Holdings, Kirin Holdings, Konica Minolta, and major financial institutions such as Mizuho Financial Group and MS&AD Insurance Group HD, as well as regional banks like Shiga Bank, have also made declarations.

Based on the framework announced by TNFD in September 2023, each company will disclose information. They will identify the nature on which business activities depend, clarify the impact of the loss of that nature on management, and convey countermeasures. Among the 81 Japanese companies, 57 plan to disclose their information by the end of the fiscal year 2024.

In the field of climate change, the impact on management from natural disasters is becoming significant, and disclosure has begun. Even in Japan, prime-listed companies are required to disclose at the same level as the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. In the field of nature, such as the decrease in marine and forest resources, which becomes a management risk, TNFD has formulated a framework, and the Ministry of the Environment has also started supporting corporate disclosure.

Written by Takashi Matsuki on January 19, 2024 Editing: Takashi Matsuki

In 2023, TNFD released a framework and sought early adopters for disclosure. When the lid was lifted, Japan had the highest number of 81 companies. What are your thoughts on this? I thought it was surprisingly high, and I felt that there were fewer overseas companies than I expected. I hope Japanese companies, which overwhelmingly lead in this field, will continue to lead in the future.

This text captures the essence of the original Japanese article in English.