トムテ(スウェーデン語: Tomte) | 阿波の梟のブログ



  • トムテ(スウェーデン語: Tomte, ノルウェー語: Nisse, フィンランド語: Tonttu)は、北欧の民間伝承に登場する小さな妖精である。
  • 彼らは赤い帽子をかぶり、農家の守護神とされ、優しい性格で農家に繁栄をもたらす一方で、気難しく、大事に扱われなければその家を捨て去ることがある。
  • トムテは農夫や家族の幸福を願って夜にひそかに仕事をし、特に馬の世話を担当する。
  • トムテの外見は小さな子供くらいで、灰色か濃紺のぼろぼろの服をまとい、赤い帽子をかぶっている。彼らは垂れ下がったあごひげや尖った耳、暗闇で目から光を放つとされる。
  • キリスト教化された後、トムテは一時的に悪魔と同一視されたが、後にはスウェーデン版のサンタクロースと見なされ、ユールトムテとして子供たちにプレゼントを配る存在となった。
  • トムテが怒ると、干し草を盗んで家を去ったり、人間の耳を殴ったりすることがある。彼らは気難しく、ご褒美を与えないと仕事をしなくなることもある。
  • Tomte (Swedish: Tomte, Norwegian: Nisse, Finnish: Tonttu) is a fairy that appears in Nordic folklore. They are small, about the size of a young child, and wear red hats, being considered guardian spirits of farms. While they have a kind nature and bring prosperity to the farm, they can be temperamental, and if not treated well, they may abandon the household. Additionally, if provoked, they may retaliate with mischief. In the Nordic region, it is a tradition to offer porridge to Tomte during Christmas (Yule) [1]. This custom dates back to the Viking era, where it was considered an offering to the fertility god Freyr [1].

  • After Christianization, Tomte was initially equated with the devil, but later, influenced by American Christmas traditions, he became associated with the Swedish version of Santa Claus, known as Yule Tomte. Yule Tomte arrives with reindeer or goats pulling a sleigh, distributing gifts to children.

Appearance and Character of Tomte:

  • Tomte is depicted with a drooping gray beard, four fingers, pointed ears, and is believed to emit light from its eyes in the darkness [2]. Standing about the height of a small child, Tomte wears ragged gray or navy clothes and sports a bright red hat in a playful manner [3]. Tomte originated from Scandinavian folklore [2] and is said to reside in the food storage or barn of a farm, ensuring the well-being of the farmer and their family [4].

  • Tomte has a strong connection with farms and, during the night while people sleep, quietly goes about their work [4]. Tomte's responsibilities include caring for the farm's livestock, especially horses. Despite being diligent, Tomte dislikes interference and is said to dwell in clean, old farmhouses [3]. The term "Tomte" originally means "farm man" and is derived from "Tomt," which refers to the area around a farm or the farmstead [3]. Despite their small size, Tomte is robust and capable of handling various tasks. Ancient Tomte was smaller and more delicate, with a potentially fiery temperament, but their character is described as gentle and mild, being highly appreciated by farmers [2]. However, it's important not to take Tomte for granted. They need to be appeased and treated well; otherwise, they can become troublesome [4].

  • When angered, Tomte may steal large amounts of hay and leave the farm or even retaliate by slapping a human's ear. Farmers who mistreat their livestock may also incur Tomte's wrath, resulting in being slapped until bruises appear [2]. Tomte is known for having a somewhat moody personality, and failing to reward them may lead to them refusing to work [4].

  • Some children's books provide insights into what actions may trigger Tomte's anger. Those who play pranks on Tomte, thinking they are easily deceived, may discover an entirely different aspect of this fairy [2] [Note 2].