物理学における対称性 | 阿波の梟のブログ



















  • 時間並進: これは、任意の時刻tおよびa(実数)についての変換t → t + aの下での不変性として数学的に表現されます。例えば、古典力学では、地表から高さhに置かれた質量mの粒子は、重力ポテンシャルエネルギーmghを持ちます。粒子の高さに変化がないなら、どの時点でもこの位置エネルギーは保存されています。
  • 空間並進: この対称性は、任意の位置ベクトルrに対してr → r + aの形式の変換で表現され、系の性質が場所における連続的な変化によっても不変な系の状況を記述します。例えば、理想的な状態では、部屋の温度は部屋の中のどこに温度計を置くかに独立しています。

  • 空間回転: この対称性は回転操作および回映操作に分類されます。回転は通常の回転であり、数学的には正方行列によって表現されます。回映は行列式-1の正方行列によって表現され、通常の回転と空間反射(反転)の組み合わせで構成されています。例えば、球は回転対称性を持っています。他の種類の空間回転については、回転対称性の記事を参照してください。

  • ポアンカレ変換: これはミンコフスキー時空における距離を保存する空間ー時間対称性であり、特に特殊相対性理論において研究されています。ポアンカレ変換はミンコフスキー空間の等長写像であり、特にローレンツ変換として知られ、ローレンツ共変として知られる対称性を生じます。

  • 射影対称性: これは時空構造の測地線を保存する空間ー時間対称性であり、多くの場合、一般相対性理論の厳密解の研究において応用されています。

  • 反転変換: これはポアンカレ変換を時空座標上での他の一対一の共形変換を含むように一般化する空間ー時間対称性であり、長さは反転変換の下で不変ではありませんが、不変な四点上の非調和比が存在します。


Symmetry in Physics:

Symmetry in physics refers to the physical or mathematical features of a system that remains "unchanged" under certain transformations. These transformations can be either "continuous" (such as rotation of a circle) or "discrete" (like the reflection of an image in a mirror or the rotation of a regular polygon). Different types of symmetries correspond to continuous or discrete transformations. Continuous symmetries can be described by Lie groups, while discrete symmetries can be represented by finite groups (see Group (mathematics)).

Symmetry is often mathematically formalized, utilizing concepts like group representations, making it effective for simplifying many problems.

An important example of symmetry is the invariance of physical laws under arbitrary differentiable coordinate transformations (General Covariance Principle).

Symmetry as Invariance:

Invariance is defined mathematically by transformations that leave a quantity unchanged. This concept is applicable to fundamental phenomena observed in the real world. For example, in an ideal scenario, temperature remains constant throughout a room. Therefore, temperature is "invariant" under the movement of the observer.

Similarly, rotating a uniform sphere about its center results in a state identical to the initial state. In this case, the sphere exhibits spherical symmetry. The operation of rotating the sphere about any axis preserves its appearance.

Symmetry in Forces:

Discussing observed physical symmetries as invariance proves useful. This concept applies to symmetries in forces as well.

For instance, an electric wire exhibits cylindrical symmetry. Considering the electric field strength at a point on the surface of a cylinder with a charged, infinitely long wire at its axis, the strength remains the same regardless of the rotation of the wire around its axis. Rotating the wire does not change the electric field at the original or the newly moved position. This operation preserves the electric field.

Consider Newtonian mechanics as another example. Two objects of given masses initially at rest at the origin, moving in opposite directions along the x-axis with velocities v1 and v2, respectively. The total kinetic energy of the system (calculated from the perspective of an observer at the origin) is 1/2m(v1^2 + v2^2). If the velocities are exchanged, the total kinetic energy remains the same. This conservation of energy is an expression of symmetry.

Local and Global Symmetry:

Symmetry can be broadly classified as "global" or "local." "Global symmetry" holds at every point in spacetime, while "local symmetry" varies at different points in spacetime. Local symmetries, especially transformations parameterized by spacetime coordinates, play a crucial role in physics and form the foundation of gauge theories.

Continuous Symmetry:

Examples of continuous symmetries include spherical symmetry and cylindrical symmetry, as described earlier. These symmetries are characterized by invariance under continuous changes in the system's geometry. Mathematically, continuous symmetry is described by continuous or smooth functions. An essential continuous symmetry in physics is spacetime symmetry.

Spacetime Symmetry:

Continuous spacetime symmetry involves transformations that include changes in space and time. It further classifies into "spatial symmetry," "temporal symmetry," and "spacetime symmetry." For example:

  • Time Translation: Mathematical representation of the invariance under any time translation t → t + a.
  • Space Translation: Invariance under the spatial transformation r → r + a, describing a system's properties that remain invariant under continuous changes in location.

Space Rotation:

Spatial symmetry includes rotations and reflections. Rotations, whether regular or arbitrary, fall under spatial symmetry. These operations are represented mathematically by matrices and are fundamental in describing the symmetry of objects like spheres.

Poincaré Transformation:

A Poincaré transformation is a spacetime symmetry that preserves distances in Minkowski spacetime. This includes Lorentz transformations, which are isometries of Minkowski spacetime and play a significant role in special relativity.

Projection Symmetry:

Projection symmetry is a spacetime symmetry that preserves geodesics in the spacetime structure. It finds applications in studying exact solutions in general relativity.

Inversion Transformation:

Inversion transformation is a spacetime symmetry that generalizes Poincaré transformations to other one-to-one conformal transformations on spacetime coordinates. Length is not invariant under inversion transformation, but there exists an invariant nonharmonic ratio of four points.

Spacetime symmetry is typically described mathematically using smooth vector fields on smooth manifolds. Vector fields and associated intrinsic local diffeomorphisms more directly correspond to physical symmetries. An important class of vector fields is Killing vector fields, preserving the intrinsic metric structure of a manifold. These are called isometries or, more colloquially, length-preserving transformations. Detailed discussions on these symmetries can be found in articles on isometries and Killing vector fields in physics.