カルツァ=クライン理論 | 阿波の梟のブログ




1. カルツァ=クライン理論の起源:


2. 弦理論の初期:


3. 第1次ストリング革命:


4. 第2次ストリング革命:



Calabi–Klein Theory:

Calabi–Klein theory is a crucial concept in the framework of superstring theory. The idea of Calabi–Klein theory is applied in many models based on superstring theory to reconcile the theory formulated in a 10-dimensional spacetime with the observed 4-dimensional spacetime of reality.

In 1919, Theodor Kaluza presented the idea of general relativity (gravity) in a 5-dimensional spacetime and Maxwell's equations (electromagnetic force) in a 4-dimensional spacetime to Albert Einstein in a letter. Although the paper remained in Einstein's desk for a while, with Einstein's assistance, it was eventually published in 1921.

In 1926, Oscar Klein modified Kaluza's theory by incorporating the theory of compactification, folding the surplus dimensions of a 5-dimensional spacetime into a very small scale. This development led to the formulation known as the Calabi–Klein theory.

Early Years of String Theory:

In the late 1950s and 1960s, with the discovery of strongly interacting particles (hadrons), investigations into the classification and composition of these particles began. The precursor to superstring theory, called string theory, was conceived to describe the nature of the strong forces between these particles.

In the early 1950s, Tullio Regge discovered a linear relationship between the squared rest mass of resonant states and their spin in hadron scattering experiments (Regge trajectory). In 1968, Gabriel Veneziano expressed this relationship as a simple formula, known as the Veneziano amplitude. In 1970, Yoichiro Nambu, Leonard Susskind, and Holger Bech Nielsen independently proposed string theory, where hadrons are composed of vibrating strings, and particles correspond to different vibrational modes. However, this theory contained a flaw, namely the presence of tachyons, indicating instability in the vibrations of the strings.

In this early string theory by Nambu and others, only bosonic particles were described, and fermionic particles posed a problem. In 1971, a model capable of handling both bosonic and fermionic particles was proposed by Pierre Ramond, Andre Neveu, and John Schwarz. This model laid the foundation for the development of superstring theory.

First String Revolution:

In 1984, Michael Green and John Schwarz demonstrated the existence of anomaly-free theories in 10-dimensional supergravity and superstring theory. The Heterotic superstring theory, incorporating the E8×E8 gauge field and compactifying six extra dimensions using Calabi–Yau manifolds, gained prominence as a candidate for a unified theory with N=1 supersymmetry at low energies, including gravity.

However, challenges persisted, including the unknown mechanism of compactifying the extra six dimensions and the countless possible choices of manifolds for compactification, making it challenging to select one within the perturbative framework.

Second String Revolution:

In 1995, D-branes were identified as solitonic solutions in superstring theory by Polchinski, and Edward Witten proposed the 11-dimensional M-theory, unifying the previously known five superstring theories. This sparked a renewed interest in superstring theory. Combining these findings with various dualities (S-duality, T-duality) provided a deeper understanding of non-perturbative aspects of superstring theory, previously only defined within perturbation theory. The low-energy properties of D-branes, described by supersymmetric gauge theories, enabled the study of superstring theory using gauge theories, and vice versa. This period witnessed extensive research.

D-branes, used in deriving the statistical mechanics expression for black hole entropy, provided evidence for superstring theory as a quantum theory of gravity. Juan Maldacena's AdS/CFT correspondence proposed a surprising equivalence between seemingly unrelated theories—super-symmetric gauge theory and supergravity theory—under certain limits, offering new insights into superstring theory, gravity, and gauge theory.

Detailed explanations and advancements in superstring theory continue to evolve, with ongoing research making it a prominent candidate for the fundamental theory of physics.