エンゲル係数と幸福感 | 阿波の梟のブログ



エンゲル係数とは、家計において食料品や生活必需品が全体の支出に占める割合を示す指標です。この係数が高いほど、家計が生活必需品に多くの資金を dest ていることを示し、低いほど余裕があると言えます。エンゲル係数は経済状況や生活水準を把握する一つの手がかりとなり、特に食事やメンタルの健康、幸福感と密接な関係があります。





The Engel coefficient is an indicator that measures the proportion of household expenditures allocated to food and essential goods. A higher Engel coefficient suggests that a significant portion of the household budget is dedicated to essential items, indicating less financial flexibility. Conversely, a lower coefficient implies more financial room for discretionary spending. The Engel coefficient serves as a valuable tool to gauge economic conditions and living standards, with particular relevance to diet, mental health, and overall happiness.

Let's first focus on diet. A high Engel coefficient indicates substantial spending on food, potentially restricting the quality and variety of meals. Imbalances in nutritional intake may arise, posing risks to health. On the contrary, a low Engel coefficient allows for a more diverse and luxurious selection of food, facilitating a healthier and more balanced diet.

The impact on mental health is also significant. Economic instability and challenging living conditions can contribute to stress, adversely affecting mental well-being. A decrease in the Engel coefficient suggests improved economic stability, which is expected to correlate with greater mental stability and psychological fulfillment.

Furthermore, the Engel coefficient is closely tied to happiness. Economic comfort provides a sense of stability and opportunities for self-realization, contributing to an enhanced sense of happiness. Conversely, economic pressures and constraints may lead to a decrease in overall happiness.

In summary, the Engel coefficient goes beyond being a mere economic indicator; it influences crucial aspects of people's lives, such as diet, mental health, and happiness. Economic stability and a balanced lifestyle are key to individual well-being and societal prosperity.