誤嚥性肺炎の主な原因 | 阿波の梟のブログ





  1. 不顕性誤嚥(Silent aspiration):

    • むせこみの様子がないまま、唾液が気管に入り込んでしまう形式の誤嚥。
  2. 食べたものを飲み込む際の誤嚥:

    • 食事中に食べ物を誤って気管に送り込むこと。
  3. 胃液の逆流による誤嚥:

    • 胃から逆流してきた内容物が気道に入り込むこと。
  4. 高齢者における関連性:

    • 高齢者の肺炎の多くが誤嚥に関連しており、嚥下機能の低下が原因となることが多い。
  5. 再発性特徴:

    • 誤嚥性肺炎は再発が多く、そのため抗菌薬の効きにくさが見られることがある。


  • 発熱
  • 元気のなさ
  • 体のだるさ
  • 重症化すると呼吸が苦しくなる


  • 食事中のむせこみ
  • 喉の鳴り
  • 唾液の飲み込みが難しい


  • 胸部レントゲン(X線)
  • 胸部CT
  • 血液検査
  • 細菌検査
  • 嚥下機能検査(飲水テスト、嚥下内視鏡、嚥下造影検査など)


  • 病原体に合わせた抗菌薬の使用
  • 咳が効果的でない場合は痰の吸引が必要
  • 重症の場合は気管支鏡での吸引が行われることもある
  • 呼吸不全が進行した場合は人工呼吸器の使用
  • 同時に呼吸や体全体のリハビリが重要


  • 飲食時の意識付け
  • 誤嚥予防のための体位保持
  • 食後に横にならず、2時間ほど座位を保つ
  • 口腔ケア(歯磨きなどで口内の雑菌を減らす)


  • 内科のかかりつけ医を受診し、診断と治療を開始することが重要。
  • 内科クリニックや呼吸器内科のクリニックが適切な選択肢。


  • 胃ろうを作っても誤嚥性肺炎の再発が減らない可能性がある。
  • 誤嚥性肺炎は高齢者に多く見られ、治療の選択は患者の状態や病歴による。


Aspiration pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs that occurs when bacteria, along with saliva or stomach contents, enters the airways during activities such as swallowing food or unnoticed aspiration. Here are details regarding aspiration pneumonia:

Main Causes of Aspiration Pneumonia:

  1. Silent Aspiration:

    • Aspiration of saliva into the airways without apparent choking.
  2. Swallowing During Ingestion:

    • Inadvertently sending food into the windpipe during meals.
  3. Aspiration of Gastric Contents:

    • Entry of stomach contents, including gastric acid, into the airways.
  4. Association with the Elderly:

    • Many cases in elderly individuals are related to impaired swallowing function.
  5. Recurrence Characteristics:

    • Recurrent cases may make antibiotic treatment less effective.

Symptoms of Aspiration Pneumonia:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Phlegm production
  • General fatigue
  • Body weakness
  • Severe cases may lead to difficulty breathing due to oxygen deficiency.

Preceding symptoms that may indicate aspiration risk:

  • Choking during meals
  • Constant throat noises
  • Difficulty swallowing saliva

Diagnosis and Testing for Aspiration Pneumonia:

  • Chest X-ray examination
  • Chest CT scan
  • Blood tests
  • Bacterial testing to detect microbes in sputum or blood, aiding in appropriate antibiotic selection
  • Swallowing function tests (e.g., water swallow test, swallowing endoscopy, barium swallow study)

Treatment of Aspiration Pneumonia:

  • Antibiotic therapy tailored to the causative agent
  • Phlegm suction in cases where cough is ineffective
  • In severe cases, bronchoscopy-assisted suction may be performed
  • Use of mechanical ventilators if respiratory failure progresses
  • Concurrent respiratory and overall body rehabilitation are crucial
  • In cases of inadequate swallowing, the creation of a gastric tube may be considered, but ethical and social factors must be considered.

Prevention Strategies:

  • Conscious eating and drinking
  • Positional maintenance to prevent aspiration
  • Avoid lying down immediately after meals; remain in a seated position for about 2 hours
  • Oral care, including regular teeth brushing, to reduce oral bacteria

Course and Finding a Hospital for Aspiration Pneumonia:

  • It is recommended to consult a primary care physician promptly if symptoms of aspiration pneumonia are observed.
  • Comparing the current condition with the baseline under the care of a regular doctor is beneficial.
  • Diagnosis of pneumonia through chest examination and X-rays, followed by determining whether outpatient or inpatient treatment is necessary.
  • If there is no regular hospital, internal medicine clinics or respiratory clinics are suitable choices.
  • The cause of pneumonia, whether due to aspiration, might not be conclusively determined until the end.


  • Creating a gastric tube may not necessarily reduce the recurrence of aspiration pneumonia.
  • Aspiration pneumonia, the third leading cause of death in Japan, often affects elderly individuals, and treatment decisions depend on the patient's condition and medical history.

In case of concern about aspiration pneumonia, seeking medical attention promptly is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management.