分類学の役割と展望 | 阿波の梟のブログ











植物の分類学では、維管束などの基本的構造だけでなく、生活環のあり方なども重視されます。植物は未だに進化を続けており、分類が完全でないとされています。藻類では、同化色素の種類がかつては重視されましたが、現在では鞭毛や葉緑体の構造など微細な構造が重要視されるようです。細菌類では物質代謝能力での分類が一般的です。最近ではDNA-DNA分子交雑法、16S rRNA系統解析などによる分類が進み、それが分類体系に影響を与えています。




  • 進化分類学: 生物の進化的関係に焦点を当てる。
  • 分岐分類学: 進化の分岐パターンに基づいて分類を作成する。
  • 表形分類学: 数量的なトレイトの比較を強調して分類を行う。
  • 分子系統学: DNA配列を使用して進化的な関係を推定する。



The Role and Perspectives of Taxonomy

Taxonomy, the science of classification, finds itself positioned differently depending on one's viewpoint. On one hand, it is seen as a field within natural history, characterized by a comprehensive and descriptive approach, often perceived as outdated. This perspective is common in life sciences fields that emphasize universal properties of life over individual species, deeming them less important.

On the other hand, in disciplines like ecology, which deals with individual species, taxonomy is considered the starting point. Without knowing the names of the various organisms they study, ecologists cannot record or compare their findings, highlighting taxonomy's role as the "registration" of biological entities.

Taxonomy draws on achievements from various fields, with classical emphasis on morphology, but it readily incorporates new biological technologies and insights. Comparative anatomy, embryology, biochemistry, cytology, and molecular genetics have all contributed to shaping taxonomic systems. As the understanding of life advances, taxonomies are continually revised.

Despite its crucial role, taxonomy is often perceived as an antiquated discipline. The pressure from both the general public and the broader life sciences community can be challenging for taxonomists. One taxonomist expressed this sentiment by comparing taxonomy to classical music or ballet, emphasizing its role as the foundation that continually reveals the structure of the biological world.

The Work of Taxonomists

In practice, most taxonomists specialize in specific taxonomic groups, dedicating their time to studying and classifying species within those groups. Ensuring accurate species identification is fundamental to taxonomy. The process of describing new species involves strict criteria, yet the judgment of whether a specimen is indeed a new species ultimately relies on the taxonomist.

Taxonomists use various traits to seek correct classifications, including external features, internal structures, and the functions of different organs. In animals, higher-level classifications consider overall body structures, while species classifications focus on detailed traits. Reproductive organs, especially in species with internal fertilization, often hold significant importance.

In plant taxonomy, features like vascular bundles and life cycle patterns are crucial. The field acknowledges the continuous evolution of plants, and the classification of some plants remains incomplete. The emphasis on specific traits in different taxa has evolved with advancements in molecular biology, leading to the integration of DNA sequences for classification (molecular systematics).

Types of Taxonomists

Taxonomists are often classified into two main types based on their approach to grouping organisms:

  1. Splitters (細分主義者): Those who aim to categorize organisms into as many detailed groups as possible.
  2. Lumpers (一括主義者): Those who prefer to group organisms into larger, more inclusive categories.

Types of Taxonomy

  • Evolutionary Taxonomy: Focuses on evolutionary relationships among organisms.
  • Cladistics: Aims to create classifications based on evolutionary branching patterns.
  • Phenetics: Emphasizes quantitative comparisons of numerous traits for classification.
  • Molecular Phylogeny: Utilizes DNA sequences to infer evolutionary relationships.

Approaches and Challenges in Taxonomy

Taxonomic research can be an end in itself or a means to an end. For example, in ecological studies, taxonomy serves as a necessary foundation for understanding the biodiversity of a region. Taxonomists may find themselves prioritizing their role as a means to achieve broader ecological or evolutionary goals.

Taxonomy is dynamic, and its methodologies have evolved with technological advancements. The development of molecular phylogenetics, allowing the study of DNA sequences, has significantly influenced taxonomic practices. However, challenges persist, and taxonomists must navigate the fluidity between traditional and molecular approaches.

Taxonomy remains an essential discipline, capturing the imagination and dedication of those who recognize its foundational role in unraveling the complexities of the biological world.