「予言の自己成就」 | 阿波の梟のブログ




  1. 予言の自己成就の概念:

    • 予言の自己成就とは、人々が根拠のない噂や思い込みに基づいて、ある状況が起こりそうだと信じ、その信念に基づいて行動することで、結果的にその状況が実際に実現してしまう現象を指します。つまり、予測が元々事実でなくても、その予測が行動や態度に影響を与え、最終的にその予測が実現するというものです。
  2. 提唱者 ロバート・K・マートン:

    • ロバート・K・マートンは20世紀のアメリカの社会学者で、構造機能主義の視点から社会現象を分析しました。彼は「予言の自己成就」を提唱し、人々が社会的予測に基づいて行動することが、その予測を現実のものにしてしまうというメカニズムを説明しました。
  3. 提唱者 W・I・トマス:

    • W・I・トマスは、トマスの定理(Thomas theorem)で知られています。彼の有名な言葉には、「もし人がその状況を真実と決めれば、その状況は結果において真実である」というものがあります。この定理が予言の自己成就の基礎となり、人々の信念や期待が現実を形作るという考え方を提供しました。
  4. 名言と理論:

    • マートンの予言の自己成就理論は、状況や出来事が人々の信念や期待によって形作られるメカニズムを強調しています。トマスの定理に基づいて、人々がある状況を信じることで、その信念が行動を通じて実際にその状況を生み出してしまうとされています。この理論は社会学や心理学の分野で影響力を持ち、人間の行動と社会の相互作用を理解する上で重要な概念の一つです。


"The self-fulfilling prophecy" is a concept introduced by American sociologist Robert K. Merton, based on the theorem proposed by another American sociologist, W. I. Thomas: "If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." Here is a detailed explanation, along with an introduction to the originators, notable quotes, and the theory:

  1. Concept of the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy:

    • The self-fulfilling prophecy refers to the phenomenon where, even if there is no basis for a rumor or belief, people, by thinking and acting as if a situation is likely to occur, inadvertently cause that situation to become a reality. In essence, predictions that were not initially factual can become true through the influence of beliefs, actions, and attitudes.
  2. Originator: Robert K. Merton:

    • Robert K. Merton was an American sociologist of the 20th century, known for his contributions to structural functionalism in the analysis of social phenomena. He proposed the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy, explaining the mechanism by which people, by acting based on social predictions, can bring those predictions to fruition.
  3. Contributor: W. I. Thomas:

    • W. I. Thomas is renowned for Thomas's theorem, which includes the famous statement: "If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences." This theorem laid the foundation for the self-fulfilling prophecy, suggesting that people's beliefs and expectations can shape reality.
  4. Quotes and Theory:

    • Merton's theory of the self-fulfilling prophecy emphasizes that people's beliefs and expectations can shape social reality. Built upon Thomas's theorem, the idea is that if individuals believe in a particular situation, their actions based on that belief can, in the end, bring about the actualization of that situation. This theory has had a significant impact on the fields of sociology and psychology, providing insights into human behavior and social interactions.

In summary, the self-fulfilling prophecy is a phenomenon where people's beliefs and expectations influence actual outcomes. The theory, introduced by Robert K. Merton and rooted in W. I. Thomas's theorem, is widely accepted in the fields of sociology and psychology, offering valuable insights into the dynamics of human behavior and societal interactions.