地区防災計画(Community Disaster Prevention Plan) | 阿波の梟のブログ



地区防災計画(Community Disaster Prevention Plan)の要点

  1. 定義と法的基盤:

    • 災害対策基本法に基づく地区内の居住者および事業者が共同で行う自発的な防災活動に関する計画。
    • 法的根拠は災害対策基本法第42条第3項・第42条の2。
  2. 従来の防災計画との違い:

    • 過去には国レベルの防災基本計画と地域防災計画があり、各レベルで活動していた。
    • 東日本大震災の経験から、自助、共助、公助の連携が必要と認識し、地区防災計画制度が創設された(2014年)。
  3. 特徴的なポイント:

    • ボトムアップ型計画: 地域主体が中心となり、住民と地元企業が協力して防災活動を計画する。
    • 地域特性に基づく計画: 各地域の状況に合わせた具体的な計画を策定。
    • 継続的な防災力向上: 持続的に地域の防災力を向上させる計画。
  4. 事例の重要性:

    • 2018年の西日本豪雨などで地区防災計画が住民の生命を守った具体的な事例が報告され、その重要性が認識されている。
  5. 制度の整備とサポート:

    • 制度施行前には内閣府から「地区防災計画ガイドライン」が発表され、全国で計画作成が進められた。
    • 地区防災計画学会の設立や関連資料の発行など、制度の理解と推進をサポート。
  6. 学術的・社会的な発展:

    • 地区防災計画制度は学問分野として「地区防災計画学」へと発展。
    • 学会の設立、学術誌の発行、モデル事業の実施などが行われ、社会実装的な研究が進展。
  7. 最新情報とリンク:

    • 地区防災計画学会が提供する最新情報は、「地区防災計画チャンネル」で入手可能。
    • 学会が発行するテキストや学会誌も利用できる。


Key Points of Community Disaster Prevention Plan

  1. Definition and Legal Basis:

    • A plan related to voluntary disaster prevention activities in a specific community, collectively undertaken by residents and businesses (community residents), based on the Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act (Article 42, Paragraph 3, and Article 42-2).
  2. Distinction from Traditional Disaster Plans:

    • Historically, there were national-level comprehensive plans (Disaster Countermeasures Basic Plan) and regional disaster plans for prefectures and municipalities, each operating at its level.
    • In light of the lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake, recognition of the effectiveness of self-help, mutual assistance, and public assistance led to the establishment of the Community Disaster Prevention Plan system in 2014.
  3. Distinctive Features:

    • Bottom-Up Planning: Community-based planning where residents and local businesses take the lead in coordinating disaster prevention activities.
    • Tailored Plans for Specific Areas: Development of plans based on the unique characteristics and needs of each community.
    • Continual Enhancement of Community Disaster Resilience: Plans aim to continuously improve the disaster resilience of the local community.
  4. Significance of Case Studies:

    • Instances where Community Disaster Prevention Plans protected lives during significant disasters, such as the 2018 Western Japan Torrential Rains, highlight the importance of these plans.
  5. Institutional Development and Support:

    • Prior to the implementation of the system, the Cabinet Office released the "Community Disaster Prevention Plan Guidelines" in March 2014, guiding nationwide planning efforts.
    • Resources like the "Introduction to the Community Disaster Prevention Plan System: Explanation and Q&A of the Cabinet Office's Guidelines" (NTT Publishing) published in June 2014 are widely utilized for explanation.
  6. Academic and Societal Progress:

    • The Community Disaster Prevention Plan system has evolved into the academic field of "Community Disaster Prevention Plan Studies."
    • The establishment of the Community Disaster Prevention Plan Society, publication of academic journals, and the implementation of model projects contribute to academic and practical advancements.
  7. Latest Trends and Links:

    • For the latest information, the "Community Disaster Prevention Plan Channel" on note provides insights.
    • Publications such as the textbook "Fundamentals and Practice of Community Disaster Prevention Plan Studies" (Kobundo) by university professors are available for reference.

The Community Disaster Prevention Plan is positioned as a system encouraging proactive community actions, fostering flexible and sustainable disaster prevention activities tailored to the unique characteristics and needs of each local area.