科学的に考え運がいい人 | 阿波の梟のブログ





  • 他人や社会全体を考え、自分の将来や家族の将来だけでなく、広い視野で未来を見ることができる。
  • 他人に共感され、応援されることがあり、人に貢献しているためお金に困らない。
  • 成功者は多くの人を感動させ、問題解決に貢献している。


  • 自分中心的で、法律を破ったり他人に迷惑をかけることがあり、社会的な距離が狭い。
  • 自分さえ良ければいいという考え方で、他人のニーズや感情を考慮しない。
  • 応援されないし、他人からの貢献も得られず、結果としてお金に困ることがある。


  • 運の良さは焦点(ファーカスするもの)によって決まっており、他人や社会全体を重要視することが鍵。
  • 認知的焦点化理論によれば、運がいい人は将来や他人を考える能力があり、運が悪い人は自分中心的で狭い焦点を持っている。


  • 自分だけでなく他人や社会全体を考え、将来を見据えることが大切。
  • 自己中心的な思考を変え、外側に焦点を向けることが運を良くする方法。


Characteristics and Mindset of Lucky People:

  • They can consider others and society as a whole, not only focusing on their own and their family's future but also having a broad perspective on the future.
  • They receive empathy and support from others and are financially stable because they contribute to others.
  • Successful individuals inspire many people and contribute to problem-solving.

Characteristics and Mindset of Unlucky People:

  • They tend to be self-centered, sometimes breaking the law or causing trouble for others, resulting in a narrow social distance.
  • Their mindset revolves around their well-being, often neglecting the needs and emotions of others.
  • They lack support and contributions from others, leading to financial difficulties.

Importance of "Focus":

  • Luck is determined by the focus (what one emphasizes), with the key being to value others and society as a whole.
  • According to the cognitive focus theory, lucky individuals possess the ability to consider the future and others, while unlucky ones have a self-centered and narrow focus.

Ways to Become Lucky:

  • It is crucial to consider not only oneself but also others and society, envisioning the future.
  • Changing self-centered thinking and redirecting focus outward are essential for improving luck.

In summary, the differences between lucky and unlucky individuals, the significance of focus, and methods to become lucky are clearly explained.