冬季の疾病 | 阿波の梟のブログ



  1. 低体温症

    • 高齢者の直腸温が35℃以下を指す。
    • 冬の屋内でも発症しやすく、注意が必要。
    • 症状は身体の震えや思考力の低下から始まり、最悪の場合には致死的な状態に至る可能性あり。
  2. 寒暖差アレルギー

    • 急激な気温変化が原因で鼻炎症状が起こる。
    • 冬の時期に多い症状で、高齢者も注意が必要。
    • セルフケアの方法と市販薬の注意点を調べよう。
  3. 冬季うつ

    • 晩秋から冬にかけて気分の落ち込みが起こる。
    • セロトニンの減少が原因で過食や過眠の症状が出る。
    • 冬季うつの予防にはセロトニン分泌量の増加が重要。
  4. ノロウイルス

    • 嘔吐や下痢などの症状を引き起こすウイルス。
    • 11~3月が発症のピークで、高齢者に重篤な症状を引き起こす可能性が高い。
    • 感染予防のための診断法や治療法、日常生活での予防策が大切。
  5. 関節痛

    • 冷えが血流不良や筋肉の硬直を引き起こし、関節痛を悪化させる。
    • 冬の寒さ対策が重要で、保温策や生活習慣の改善が推奨されている。
  6. ヒートショック

    • 急激な温度変化で心臓に負担がかかり、心筋梗塞や脳卒中を引き起こす病気。
    • 入浴中やトイレ移動時に注意が必要で、高齢者にとって命にかかわることもある。
  7. かくれ脱水

    • 体内の水分が減少し、脱水症状が進行する「かくれ脱水」に注意。
    • 高齢者は水分摂取の低下に気づきにくい。
    • 脱水による症状のチェックリストと予防法が大切。
  8. ADLの低下

    • 冬の寒さで外出頻度が減少し、高齢者のADLが低下する可能性。
    • 冬の運動不足を防ぐためのアイディアや自宅でできるトレーニングが必要。
  9. 低栄養

    • 高齢者が気づかないうちに低栄養に陥るリスクがある。
    • 体力の衰えや免疫力の低下に繋がり、要介護状態を引き起こす可能性がある。
  10. しもやけ

    • 冬に手足の指が赤く腫れてかゆくなる「しもやけ」に注意。
    • しもやけに似た症状を持つ他の病気もあり、放置せずに病院で診察が必要。
    • 病院に行くか判断することが必要。
  1. Hypothermia

    • Hypothermia refers to a condition in which the rectal temperature of older individuals falls below 35°C.
    • While often associated with outdoor activities like mountain climbing, it can occur indoors during winter and is a serious concern.
    • Symptoms include shivering and a decline in cognitive function, and in severe cases, it can lead to respiratory failure or fatal arrhythmias.
    • Older individuals, with reduced muscle mass and appetite, are particularly susceptible, emphasizing the need for attention to daily habits.
  2. Cold-Heat Allergy

    • Cold-heat allergy, characterized by persistent nasal discharge without cold or pollen-related causes, may occur during winter.
    • It is triggered by rapid temperature changes, leading to nasal inflammation.
    • The article provides self-care methods and cautions regarding over-the-counter medications for seniors experiencing these symptoms.
  3. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

    • Seasonal Affective Disorder, or winter depression, is a type of depression where mood declines from late autumn to winter.
    • Symptoms include overeating and oversleeping, linked to reduced serotonin due to winter sunlight deficiency.
    • Prevention involves increasing serotonin production, with the article offering lifestyle and dietary tips for seniors.
  4. Norovirus

    • Norovirus causes symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, with its peak occurrence from November to March.
    • In seniors, it can lead to severe outcomes such as emergency transport or hospitalization.
    • Prevention is crucial, and the article covers diagnosis, treatment, and everyday preventive measures.
  5. Joint Pain

    • Joint pain, exacerbated by cold, is common in knees, hips, and shoulders during winter.
    • The article emphasizes the role of "cold" in exacerbating joint pain and provides insights into preventing its escalation through lifestyle changes.
  6. Heat Shock

    • Heat shock, a winter adversary for the elderly, involves sudden temperature changes causing fluctuations in blood pressure.
    • Bathing, especially transitioning from a warm room to a cold bathroom, requires caution to prevent potential heart attacks or strokes.
    • The article introduces four preventive measures for seniors to avoid heat shock-related incidents.
  7. Hidden Dehydration

    • Hidden dehydration occurs when an individual's body loses water without their awareness, progressing to near dehydration.
    • Seniors, with diminished kidney function and sensory perception, are at risk.
    • The article provides a checklist of dehydration symptoms and tips for preventing hidden dehydration through proper hydration.
  8. ADL Decline

    • Activities of Daily Living (ADL) decline in winter due to reduced outdoor activities, impacting seniors.
    • Strategies to prevent winter sedentary behavior and simple home exercises are discussed.
  9. Malnutrition

    • Seniors may unknowingly experience malnutrition despite thinking they eat well, leading to reduced physical strength and weakened immune systems.
    • The article, authored by a registered dietitian, highlights signs of malnutrition and offers dietary points to prevent it.
  10. Chilblains

    • Chilblains, causing red and swollen fingers or toes, are common in winter.
    • The article discusses symptoms, diseases resembling chilblains, and points for deciding whether to seek medical attention.